Starting Log with AndroHard/AndroLean with AndroEnhance .....



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I want to throw in the peri-workout drink/cocktails on chest - arms - leg days at first.....

The drinks will look something like this --

pre -workout -
20g carbs Karbolyn

15g bcaas/EAAs

5g creatine

1.5g agmatine

3g glutamine

intra- workout-Repeat above


50g whey isolate

30-45 mins later --whole food meal

Used this the first time Friday .... went into Chicago for a brutal quad workout and to test the chest. Workout was amazing and I'm happy to report that I was able to stress the chest enough to be very sore today. Didn't use a ton of weight (going slow) but I didn't feel anything abnormal which was a big win for me. My chest filled up so much I thought I was looking at someone elses chest on me... LOL Now to get that chest in a relaxed mode.... keep fingers crossed, things are looking good :)


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What goals are you looking shooting for with this and why no carbs in the post shake? Just mining for knowledge here.

No need for carbs post training since he is well saturated from prior in the day and pre and during training.

Rather not bog him down with too many things as far as ingredients since I do NOT want him to lose his appetite. Also, I rather increase his insulin sensitivity by stalling carb intake by 1 hour or so before whole food meal (which has 45 g in it)



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Like the thought process with that. Thx


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No need for carbs post training since he is well saturated from prior in the day and pre and during training.

Rather not bog him down with too many things as far as ingredients since I do NOT want him to lose his appetite. Also, I rather increase his insulin sensitivity by stalling carb intake by 1 hour or so before whole food meal (which has 45 g in it)

Uhhhhh yea what he said !! :)


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No need for carbs post training since he is well saturated from prior in the day and pre and during training.

Rather not bog him down with too many things as far as ingredients since I do NOT want him to lose his appetite. Also, I rather increase his insulin sensitivity by stalling carb intake by 1 hour or so before whole food meal (which has 45 g in it)


Interesting, simple and effective.


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Uhhhhh yea what he said !! :)

Hey,,,We must keep some trigger of hunger for each meal --- the day you email me and say

"Matt I cannot fathom taking another bite of food as I am always stuffed"

Is when I make immediate adjustments and initiate the hunger signal again.

I obviously do not expect you to be 'starving for each meal" but at least it goes down without gagging!



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Hey,,,We must keep some trigger of hunger for each meal --- the day you email me and say

"Matt I cannot fathom taking another bite of food as I am always stuffed"

Is when I make immediate adjustments and initiate the hunger signal again.

I obviously do not expect you to be 'starving for each meal" but at least it goes down without gagging!

Nope... not to that point yet.... I am not starving but when its time to eat... I eat it all with no problem. There are times when I'm "more hungry" than others but I have yet to see that its time to eat and say... ughhh not again. :)


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Ok... so we are now into the 4th week of this phase. I haven't gained alot of weight but I really feel that I'm fuller/bigger in the mirror. I've gained about 8-9 lbs since I started but have only gained a couple pounds in the last 2 weeks. My body also seems to burn the calories fairly fast so we may need to make another adjustment in the diet. I am doing cardio 3 times a week for 30 minutes...again this whole off-season is to put on quality lbs, I do not want to look like I did prior to pre-contest dieting... 200 lbs but very soft, no abs and face looked like marshmallow man..LOL. This 189 is much better than my last 189 so we are on the right track.

Strength is going up I will say.... increased my squat by 40 lbs with full range reps, very happy with that. Also leg press has increased and I'm able to go more reps on all my other exercises.... so that is a welcomed change.

I will start filming again next week as my daughter can now get to the gym so I will work hard to get some videos posted late next week after some training.

Happy so far with the "off-season" and I'm sure it will get better. One thing that has been holding me back is the injury I have with my left shoulder/pec area...been bugging me for about 4 weeks. It is getting better but it just takes so long to heal it seems as I get older LOL. I'm hoping to do alittle more next week with it and hopefully the following week really be able to get a decent workout in. I just have to be patient although thats not my personality... :)


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Sounds good Tony.

If you think you can handle more food or more "free meals" I will advise this Friday.

I just want that shoulder to heal --- i have dealt with a bad shoulder since 3 months.

I can only do certain chest movements and shoulder exercises. It is definitely an annoyance and inconvenience.



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Sounds good Tony.

If you think you can handle more food or more "free meals" I will advise this Friday.

I just want that shoulder to heal --- i have dealt with a bad shoulder since 3 months.

I can only do certain chest movements and shoulder exercises. It is definitely an annoyance and inconvenience.

I'm with ya Matt.... I want it to heal as well and I'm not doing anything to screw it up. I've been taking things slow and light and if I feel the slightest issue I try another exercise... I don't keep going thinking it will get better with a few more reps. I'm trying to use my head abit more on this injury.... it really is getting better, just taking awhile. Like I said before I'm training legs with more focus since I can go 100% on them and I'm usually pretty pissed off by the time I get to legs because of not being able to go 100% on the rest....

Its all good... we are getting there and we will continue to make positive changes. I have too, I have you in my corner and I have my personality.. LOL

I hope your shoulder gets better quicker as well.... two peas in a pod it seems huh ?? :)


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^Yea for myself and others it seems I get mor eprone to injury during off-season when trying to add mass....seems like an oxymoron since off-season you eat more food, have more water in joints and fat,,,, but for some reason I have always hurt myself during these times.Pre-contest I feel the body is super efficient and perhaps more precise and systematic since you have to be pretty meticulous opposed to off-season.I also know holding water and holding heavier body weight can affect the lower back, cause more muscle pumps and other annoyances that could cause injury from imbalances.-Matt


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I tend to get hurt when bulking vs. cutting, but it is because my ego gets to me on some lifts. Never anything to major though.


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Hi guys.... just posted up a new video .... its been awhile but we are on track with them again. This video is from the 8 weeks on AL/AH/AE ... check it out here :

If you haven't subscribed to the channel please do when you visit ... thanks.

I'll have more videos coming soon ... when they go up I'll let ya know here !! :)


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Hey guys.... so this past Friday my wife and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary ... we both took the day off from work and ya know where we went ??? My wife is sooo supportive and just wants to spend time with me... we went to Chicago and trained at USA Gym. Did quads and a chest pump routine. She ran the camera (which is normally done by my daughter) and she did a great job and had a great time doing it... Kinda kewl huh ??

Here is the link if you want to check it out .... we wont forget our 18th !! :)

We are 6 full weeks complete in the 12 week blast phase... staying steady in weight 190 in the morning but still staying lean. Hoping to gain just a few more pounds before we go back to a "leaner" stage of 8 weeks and work on hardening up. Most of you know I'm working with Matt Porter so he steering this ship ... :)


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Posted another new video .... arm workout.

I have about 4.5 weeks left in this phase .... weight is up to 193 in the morning, feeling full and round. The injury is much better, not 100% yet but last week I was able to push alittle with chest. Tonight is chest again so I'm praying all will go well.

Here is the link for the video .... hope you like it... gave a couple shout-outs :)


late happy anniversary bro.

i almost made it to #17 with mine..............


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