Get Diesel stack advice


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Fellas ,

I'm running on Diesel right now after all the great logs I jumped in with the R4War+ Nos Ether combo which is awesome..

My stash of Diesel products has expanded and I plan to run DTHC + R4W+ Ether for 4 weeks then follow on another 4 week DTHC+Raw Test and if I feel really crazy I've got Sunami to hand too.....

In my cupboard I have AS Chlorotest and Dopadex which are great at night time but shouId I shoehorn them in to my run above or is it best to hold them back?

Also got BLR Exotherm......could I swap something out and run that at the end to lean out..

Any suggestions appreciated.



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Not familiar with exotherm, so I will reserve comment for Chuck Diesel.

However, I can't see any issue with the AS' supps. However, I will add a disclaimer, I personally try not to overdo it with supps as I would much rather get a true look at the effects of specific ones, and not have to guess at what might be working and what might not be.


New member
Hey thanks ,

I'll just run the Diesel stack solo.

I only use the AS for great sleep....maybe a GetDiesel sleep/recovery option would be even better!

Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
  • Established
Fellas ,

I'm running on Diesel right now after all the great logs I jumped in with the R4War+ Nos Ether combo which is awesome..

My stash of Diesel products has expanded and I plan to run DTHC + R4W+ Ether for 4 weeks then follow on another 4 week DTHC+Raw Test and if I feel really crazy I've got Sunami to hand too.....

In my cupboard I have AS Chlorotest and Dopadex which are great at night time but shouId I shoehorn them in to my run above or is it best to hold them back?

Also got BLR Exotherm......could I swap something out and run that at the end to lean out..

Any suggestions appreciated.

Yeah, like AE14 I dont know about those products. IF they are not stimulants in anyway they are ok with the products, just not sure what they are.

on the get diesel stuff, if you want some dosing charts for some stacks, go to and look under "stacks."

If that one product is a thermo, watch it with GET DIESEL products bc the products will amplify the thermo effects a lot.

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