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  1. bigrobbierob

    Topic of the Week - What's the best fat burner supplement of all time and why?

    A few years ago there was a supplement called leviathan, but I cant remember who made it. I responded to the original formula well but they changed it and I didnt respond as well. Plus the original xenadrine was awesome.
  2. bigrobbierob

    Ostalean from E.P.G. discontinued?

    Ive noticed osta shred was discontinued as well and wondered if osta itself was banned.
  3. bigrobbierob

    Ph's after surgery

    Thanks guys. I WAS thinking about either Anafuse or a 1-AD type ph
  4. bigrobbierob

    Ph's after surgery

    So i have a hernia (none workout related,from coughing ffs). Though its not causing issues now the doc wants to get it fixed BEFORE it becomes a problem. So since im going to be out about two weeks and unable to train as im used to (as i can now though injured) for who knows how long is there a...
  5. bigrobbierob

    Inguinal hernia

    So i was sick with a cold over the weekend and apparently coughed so hard and so much i got a inguinal hernia. What do i do about it? There is no pain, just the bulge. I didnt even notice it until i was taking a shower. Should i stop training? Avoid certain exercises? Will it go away? Get...
  6. bigrobbierob

    Shoulder pain (front)

    I stretch whatever area I'm working that day pre workout.
  7. bigrobbierob

    Shoulder pain (front)

    I dont understand the question register jr. Hardboiled, did you have an idea what might be wrong with my shoulder.
  8. bigrobbierob

    Shoulder pain (front)

    I never paid attention but I'd have to say yes. The two times it bugs me most are trying to sleep and after work. Work itself doesn't bug me but afterwords it does. Same with workouts...ok during workouts (except for popping) but afterwards it aches like crazy.
  9. bigrobbierob

    Shoulder pain (front)

    Hey guys. I know "not medical advice yadda yadda yadda" A few weeks ago the front of my right shoulder started aching and it hasn't got any better. It gets bad enough at night (especially if I end up on that side) that I wake up. Sometimes that arm is numb and I need to "shake it off"...
  10. bigrobbierob

    Stressed out!

    I'm not sure the proper forum so a mod can move it if needed. I'm stressed to the max! Life seems to be beating me up from every direction. Cars breaking down, broken appliances that need replaced, sick pets, sick wife, now a tax bill of almost $2k. To top it off I've already battled...
  11. bigrobbierob

    Alphamax + Ep1c unleashed + DermaStr3ngth unleashed

    Link? I tried searching but didnt see it.
  12. bigrobbierob

    Alpha Lean 7 vs Demon Burn 50

    I'm still looking for an answer. I'm running ostashred ATM and looking to stack with a fat burner the final 4 weeks to help get shredded.
  13. bigrobbierob

    If you could Rep for any Company ???

    I'd rep for Hard Rock, Olympus Labs, or Performax.
  14. bigrobbierob

    Alpha Lean 7 vs Demon Burn 50

    I noticed Hard Rock has two fat burners available. Can we have a rundown and advantages/ disadvantages of both?
  15. bigrobbierob

    Osta shred

    Yeah I'm cutting. I actually do Atkins. I'm still getting leaner and my muscles are thicker so maybe it's the extra muscle making me hungry.....craving calories to grow.
  16. bigrobbierob

    Osta shred

    Can ostashed make you hungry? I'm about two weeks in and the past few days I've been famished. I didn't know if it's the sup or a coincidence.
  17. bigrobbierob

    Osta shred

    Thanks cool bro, I figured you just missed it. So is the any particular advantage or disadvantage to taking it pre vs post workout?
  18. bigrobbierob

    Osta shred

    Any answers for my questions I asked above?
  19. bigrobbierob

    Osta shred

    Thanks. The only things I've wondered: It says take with food. I wake up, take my pre workout, workout, take OSTASHRED with my pwo shake and handful of vitamins. Is that ok? It say second dose 6-8 hours later. Depending on my schedule I might not always do that. Sometimes the second dose is...
  20. bigrobbierob

    Osta shred

    I wasn't planning on logging it. After only a few days I "feel it" and think I will respond well to it though.