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  1. XPG Ursa-Gel - Ursolic Acid (70 mg. per ml/100 servings) - Feedback & Discussion Thread

    No worries, I applied 2ml going to do 4 a day. I meant my shirt was covered in pieces of the white film where it was applied. It kind of just rolls into little clumps and that’ll stick onto the shirt. I make sure that the skin is dried before putting on clothing. I’ll try shaking it better...
  2. XPG Ursa-Gel - Ursolic Acid (70 mg. per ml/100 servings) - Feedback & Discussion Thread

    So I know you need to not rub the gel in too much or it will clump up into a white texture. My first application last night I tried to barely rub it in and it still clumps up. This morning 30 min before my workout I tried to barely spread it over my shoulders/chest and same thing. There is no...
  3. Best preworkout out there

    Right now I’m taking Storm and I’m adding the other bulk supps I’ve listed with it. I’m getting great pumps but energy is ok on some days and other days I don’t feel anything even though there is 300mg of caffeine in Storm. I’ve never gotten that mental focus from it and was wondering what’s...
  4. Best preworkout out there

    Usually I just buy something cheap with caffeine from dps and add agmatine/citrulline/Creatine. I don't really benefit from any extra mental focus though, what's the best preworkout out now that focuses both on energy and mental awareness? No transdermals please, already going to be on 2 and...
  5. Xtreme Performance Gels - Black Friday Sale & Promotional Offer

    Love sns\ceI, I didn't know xp were affiliated with them. Already placed some orders for ursa gel and absolved. Looking forward to seeing how it compares to other brands of transdermals I've used, especially ursa gel.
  6. Black Friday 2023

    ^^^^**Damn, I just ordered 3 bottles of AXT from sns on Monday. Also 2 bottles of ursa gel and absolved from dps. Was wondering if i was going to regret ordering a couple days early
  7. SNS & CEL Labor Day Sale - Save 30% off + New Product Launches

    When is joint support xt back in stock. Haven’t taken it for quite awhile because it always seems out of stock everywhere just read in another thread maybe 2-3 weeks, I’ll give elite curcumin a shot while waiting for joint xt
  8. Curious as to what your joint health protocols are

    SNS joint support xt and 2 grams of their powdered cissus xt have helped my shoulder a lot.
  9. Ursa Major

    First time trying apex products, ordered 2 60ml Ursa and 2 60ml Stanogen. I’m currently cutting and almost where I want to be. Currently taking sns lean edge, reduce xt, powdered cissus, joint support xt. Would you stack both or should I just do Ursa solo starting at 2 ml? Also I know I’ve read...
  10. Ursa Major

    Been wanting to try Ursa, signed up for the newsletter. Can’t wait for the sale
  11. Stacks similar to m-test/anabolic Effect

    Thanks for the recommendations, time to read up on them
  12. Stacks similar to m-test/anabolic Effect

    I’ve been taking mtest/AE stack while cutting for a few months and am extremely happy with losing weight while strength actually going up a bit. I’m going to take a break from this stack but would like to try something similar, any suggestions? I’ve tried when it first came out and didn’t see...
  13. Best joint supplement out there?

    I will say that I’m happy with joint force xt and sns cissus powder. Shoulder definitely feels better and I’m only taking 2g of cissus which I believe is on the low side
  14. Best joint supplement out there?

    Just ordered sns joint support xt and there cissus powder. Thx
  15. Best joint supplement out there?

    Thanks guys, time to read up on them
  16. Best joint supplement out there?

    Sorry please delete duplicate
  17. Best joint supplement out there?

    Been dealing with shoulder joint issues for a very long time which has always limited my bench and was wondering what’s the best joint product out there? Thanks
  18. Best joint supplement out there?

    Been dealing with shoulder joint issues for a very long time which has always limited my bench and was wondering what’s the best joint product out there? Thanks
  19. ******Black Lion Research Newsletter/ product updates******

    Bought 2 bottles the 25th without knowing about the promo code. Tried using your contact email but no response. Since it hasn’t shipped, can I still use the promo code?
  20. ******Black Lion Research Newsletter/ product updates******

    This will be my first time purchasing one of your products, is it going to be available only on your site? Just want to make sure I get my order in quick, don’t want to risk this selling out