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  1. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Wow. 60lbs to 85lb jump on dumbbell press is INSANE.
  2. L-Carnitine Gel by XPG - L-Carnitine & Propionyl L-Carnitine (PLCAR) - Available Now!

    Just starting this so nothing to report yet! But this is my first time using an XPG product and I have to say application wise it's easily the best topical I've used. 0 smell whatsoever!
  3. Tell Us What You Would Like to see From SNS, CEL, Muscle Addiction, & XPG (2024 Edition)

    SO hyped. Will instantly order 3 bottles haha
  4. Tell Us What You Would Like to see From SNS, CEL, Muscle Addiction, & XPG (2024 Edition)

    Thanks for the reply! Im absolutely buying this the second it comes out. Have never tried injectable but have heard pretty incredible experiences.
  5. Tell Us What You Would Like to see From SNS, CEL, Muscle Addiction, & XPG (2024 Edition)

    @sns8778 so L-Carnitine Gel is coming out in May? Will a transdermal bypass the TMAO increase from oral admin?
  6. Joint Support/Recovery Supplements that Don't Increase ACh or Inhibit AChE

    I appreciate you Steve a ton! I cant tell you from personal experience these ingredients DO affect me in a very noticeable way. I've taken them in 100% isolation. And they bring me down to the point of feeling so depressed I can't even get out of bed. Not saying this is everyone. Not at all...
  7. Joint Support/Recovery Supplements that Don't Increase ACh or Inhibit AChE

    All I could find was this very unhelpful old study:
  8. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    This ingredient lowers cortisol??
  9. SNS Pine Pollen Capsules (New Release)

    Have you noticed any benefits?
  10. SNS Pine Pollen Capsules (New Release)

    idk if this is a dumb question, but does this trigger a pollen allergy? I've heard differing opinions.
  11. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Awesome. Thanks! Just ordered two bottles from DPS. So stoked to try this.
  12. Prime XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now!

    Does it matter if you take this with or without food? I know it says breakfast, lunch, dinner, but is that just for timing?
  13. Peptide 185

    Not to mention a lot of people don't want to take gear or are too young for TRT.
  14. Peptide 185

    Do they have any clinical studies to back them up?
  15. Peptide 185

    Looks really interesting. From the same supplier that developed paraxanthine and brought it to market. Price point is too high though. Would definitly try for $59, maybe even $69, but $89 is crazy.
  16. SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now

    Yes. I went down to 4 caps after the 8th day and still noticed this general malaise and brain fog.
  17. SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now

    Update: Had to return the bottles to DPS. Made me really tired and groggy. Even if I took it at night I'd wake up very groggy. I don't think it's the PA. I believe it's the apigenin and it's effects on cortisol. In isolated human H295R adrenal cells, 12.5μM of Apigenin decreased cortisol to...
  18. SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now

    Starting 8 caps a day for the first two weeks today! Very excited to be starting.
  19. SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now

    Wow! Thats sick... Are you taking anything else? Or just PA?
  20. SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now

    Just ordered two bottles. This post gets me excited haha can you elaborate on what you notice?