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  1. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    Yes some people sadly have had some negative effects from LSD which is terrible since it has so much potential and has changed a millennial amount of people. Will do man, i'll be picking some up right before college starts up in the 1st week of Aug, going to take on Engineering math instead of...
  2. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    I used to be against drugs till this year, i dont know, guess i had a revelation? Im not actually against drugs anymore, in fact i like them now (ive never done any yet), ive been researching on LSD,Marijuana, general psychedelics and Cocaine etc, and yeah i see through the massive disinfo...
  3. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    No man take it at least 30 mins pre or 30 mins post a meal. Take the igh1 and ghenerate when you wake up, wait 30 mins, then eat breakfast, and right before bed.
  4. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    Damn nice, eager to read your results, no specific way, subcutaneous injections will be fine. I dont think the pec injury will use up too much peptide resources for itself, so theres a good chance you'll get the neural benefits, are you in college btw?
  5. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    Hope it works out for you man :).
  6. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    Yeah ive read some articles about him. And that guy whos a savant at math, some guy from germany. But the thing is, she wasn't actually a savant, leary mentioned that when he did the test. Ill need to try it out myself and plan onto soon, google "silk road tor"
  7. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    You made the right choice man, height is really important if you're not satisfied. And who knows you might even give up bbing all together and move onto other things by the time you're done, i didhave and im glad i did :). Lol no idea man, just here trying to help hopefully more people look...
  8. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    I've tried it, but i got nothing out of it. Yep TB4 helps with vision problems, according to the research papers.
  9. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    detrimental to height gain because when the muscles try and recover, the GH we want is going towards this recovery instead of bone/joints Yes thats correct No my voice is pretty soft for a males voice, not high and frizzy like a homo, or deep a and grunty like most men, it''s just "soft" and...
  10. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    Yes squats and all do increase gh production but that way wont help with height increase. GH alone doesnt increase height, but a few factors, pi3k, igf-1, chondrocyte proliferation, sleep and jumping type of excersies. And with all that heavy weight lifting it will stunt that. Yes sprinting...
  11. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    Lol no problem, yeah i missed typed that, i was 4'8 at the time, doing a lot better now, achieved the jump to 5'3 in 8 months, which is a pretty short time frame. 1. What was your routine for ghenerate and igf-1? (dosage, when to take, etc) 6 sprays x2 a day morning and just before bed, 2 igh-1...
  12. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    They sell Ghenerate on Nutraplanet, get IGH-1 aswell, from Nutraplanet aswell, you can get SAM-e from NP too. They both worked for me, i used be around 4'8, now...

    Oh, yeah true incredibly hard to get, personally i'd probably just move to get a hold of these RC's, it's impossible to experience them here, or at least indirectly hard. They're about $120 a 0.5MG vial from auspep but you at least have the peace of mind knowing they were synth by chemists in a...
  14. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    Yes australia is a ****ty place to live if you're into this sought of stuff and generally too, im trying to move out when i finish this degree. Anyways the epiphyseal plates never actually seal,the chondrocytes on the plates become inactive, if you upregulate them you can grow taller since...
  15. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences?

    What do you want me to message you exactly? my email is [email protected] you can ask me the precise thing you need i dont mind answering here though. yes i've tried all the racetams, except the legendary piracetam hydrazide, i'll probably have to make that one myself. anyways i didn't...
  16. Niacin's effect on NATTY GH levels?

    It's not bad to supplement a regiment, but it's not like it's going to give you amazing gains by itself though, especially not for height gains seeing as thats what you're after. I'd add niacin to the peptide stack to supplement it, but niacin isn't a gamechanger, the peptides are.
  17. Any side effects from GHRP 6/ CJC 1295

    I notice you have "ms" in your name indicating you're a female, but some guys add that too. Anyway's if you're a male, use CJC1293, since CJC1295 (DAC) mimics more of a females GH pulse than a males. Use Hexarelin over GHRP6 since it helps more with height.

    For height gains, that would be alright, i'd replace GHRP6 for Hexarelin, add SAM-E and add puerarin, following the diet and excercises xcrunner layed, out, and you should make some good height gains. My journey has been good, im not fixated on height gain anymore though. email is...

    No, peptides in aus are very much indeed fake, unless you're buying them from a proper synth company and not underground labs that the majority of people here buy them from, in that case they would be real, is that what you're doing? Im a biomed student, i could get real peptides synth'd if i...
  20. Memory Enhancing Peptides experiences? This was an interesting thread to read, recently made in 2012, and he speaks directly on how easy it was to learn a new language. Anyways, just putting it out there, it's pretty interesting...