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  1. Flyboy

    Antioxidants potentially limit benefits of exercise?

    Link: Vitamin supplements may cut benefits of exercise - health - 11 May 2009 - New Scientist An interesting twist on the popular belief perhaps? Anyone got any comments?
  2. Flyboy


    When is best to apply this, the label mentions after showering but not anything related to time of day. I shower in the mornings and evenings so am I best off applying at night or in the morning? Also, just using it on the stomach and under the pecs - should I still go for 5 pumps or would...
  3. Flyboy

    Flyboy's quest for mass... USP Labs Prime, Sustain Alpha and MST Cre-02 Log

    Just thought I'd post up this pseudo log as much for motivation for me as anything else. Quick supp background - previously, and still on creatine (ragnarok most recently) so any increased effectiveness from CRE-02 over "normal" creatine should be apparent, or the lack of any increased...
  4. Flyboy

    My experience on prime

    Just thought i'd throw in my experiences.... Tried it at 6 per day but 7 days per week for almost 2 bottles... frankly did buttkiss. I was up about 3-4lbs but honestly that was just from the extra food I was munching trying to make the most of my prime. I noticed the weight almost immediately...
  5. Flyboy

    Time I gave MST some love...

    Just putting together a little nutraplanet order and decided it was time to try some of your fine-ass looking products lol. Partly thanks to Force of Green I might add! I'm going to be running this stuff along side Prime, I'm already on a creatine product (neovar) but will cycle off for...
  6. Flyboy

    Prime makes you good at golf...

    Fact. lol... first time i played golf today since starting prime and i just played the best round of my life! I'm sure it has nothing to do with the lessons I've been taking of course.
  7. Flyboy

    Thinking of taking up a martial art of some sort...

    Hi guys, didn't really know where to post this, but given the subject I guessed there would be plenty of people well versed on the question here... Basically I'm thinking about taking up some sort of martial art, but i really have no clue what would suit me best. Basically I'm looking for...
  8. Flyboy

    Pimp my workout (pretty please with a cherry on top)

    Hey guys, just wondering if you could cast an eye over my workout and suggest any changes that'll make it better... I currently have the ability to work out 5 times a week, for the next few weeks at least, so would like to take advantage of the opportunity! I know a lot of you guys know a hell...
  9. Flyboy

    Poseidon + multivit - is it madness?

    ....or is it the makings of a spartan? Just wondering whether I should be continuing to take my normal multi vit alongside the 3 scoops of poseidon I am taking each day? Or does poseidon alone have my bases covered? Thanks guys, already grown addicted to the niacin flush although it's effects...
  10. Flyboy

    Any chance of stocking Diindolylmethane (DIM)?

    Just wondering if there were/could be any plans to stock this stuff in some form? The good quality stuff is ridiculously expensive over here in the uk but i noticed it's a bit more reasonable state side. Would be handy to be able to pop a tub or two into my regular nutraplanet orders! Thanks
  11. Flyboy

    CLA longevity?

    Hey, just wondering on the shelf life of opened CLA unrefrigerated? I just found a 2/3rds full bottle that i forgot about after getting back from holiday a few weeks back - still good to go or will I make myself sick? cheers!
  12. Flyboy

    Bit of help?

    Hey guys, Using recreate stacked with AP and neovar (yeah yeah, boooo etc etc haha) and had a quick question. I've just added Resveratrol to my supplements, but someone mentioned to me that resveratrol and forskohlin aren't compatible... something along the lines of resveratrol inhibiting the...
  13. Flyboy

    Sustain Alpha and improved complexion?

    Just wondering if I was the only one to have noticed this... it kind of goes against what one might expect from something which should be boosting testosterone. For a good few years now I've had a fair few large spots on my back, rarely loads but always enough that i never really had a clear...
  14. Flyboy

    Phytotest is eating my serving spoon!

    Just thought you chaps might like to know that whatever plastic the dosing spoon is made of is slowly turning to mushy white plastic mulch under the influence of the phytotest :food: I just scraped out a load of the stuff just now lol. Probably partly my fault for not washing it thoroughly...
  15. Flyboy

    Napalm in the uk?

    Been trying to find a uk supplier with no joy - do you guys sell napalm over here? I was just going to order some from nutraplanet but they are out of stock at the moment and haven't heard back from them when it's going to be back in. cheers