Search results

  1. Does Olympus UK batch test their supps?

    Hey guys, wondering if Olympus UK (didnt even find a website??) batch test their stuff. Mainly talking about ghar1ne here. switched from OL to another vendor (no stock from OL at retailer) and had the typical sides once again although running MK since 1 year. that makes me wonder if i took real...
  2. Which supps can be stored in the freezer to extend shelf life

    hi guys, just a quick question. if one wanted to stock up on lets say sarms, would it be useful to store them in the freezer? i usually put my hardcore pre workouts in there to avoid clumping and extend shelf life. is this also useful for sarms/phs/fat burners etc? thanks alot!
  3. Sodium content of old endur3, label interpretation

    hey guys, can any1 tell me how much sodium there is per serving of endur3? (old version) label says this "Sodium from Sodium Chloride" -- 120 then in the hydration matrix "Sodium from Sodium Chloride" -- 300mg i...
  4. UK Some Tr1umph, Endur3 and Conquer unleashed stim free for sale/trade, dated

    Hey guys, selling/trading some dated Tr1umph (seems to be "wanted" right now :D), endur3 and conquer unleashed stim free. All are dated, depending on flavor between late 2017 and early 18 (cu stim free is 1/18, only 1 flavor) Looking for: - evomuse products - antaeus labs lipomorph, - olympus...
  5. surprising crazy bloodwork at the end of cycle

    Hey guys, just thought i share something interesting with you. I take bloods every 3-6 months. 15 weeks ago ive started cutting. since 10weeks i am taking dermatrest 0,5pumps x2 daily, so 25mg daily transdermal 50mg androsterone transdermal daily (2x25) since 9 weeks i take 15mg anavar as you...
  6. looking for lowest fat yet tasty protein bars

    hey guys for my next refeed i want to binge on some protein bars. i am skiploading once a week (very high carb, fat as low as possible) and right now i am using some bars with 4,2g fat /60g bar. those are from a netherland company and taste really good. do you know any bars that can top that fat...
  7. Lipomorph II - new version of antaeus labs liüpmoprh?

    Hey guys, one of our eu shops has Lipomorph II listed, ingredients per cap: Octopamine 112mg * Ilex Kudungcha 65mg * Menthol - Cyclodextrin 25mg * Stearoyl Vanillylamide 7mg * Vitamin A 3.3mg * N-Caffeoyldopamine 5mg * Pentamethylquercetin 44.4mg * Oleoylethanolamine 100mg * 90...
  8. forskolin and diarrhea.. any remedies?

    hey guys, so i am dieting right now and taking forskolin in the form of 2 shift capsules in the morning and testify pro pre workout (around 1pm) even if i dont eat until the evening (i do IF) i have mad diarrhea. Constantly. are their any remedies for this? i guess the problem was the addition...
  9. constantly very high CK levels - issues? opinions?

    Hey guys, I am getting routine bloodwork done every 4-8 weeks since i had my rhabdo. (rhabdo was not training induced!) one thing that is always out of range is the ck value. Everything else is always in range (creatinine between 0,98 and 1,16 every time for example, electrolytes fine, chol ok...
  10. opening caps and pour them into a bottle of water? discuss

    Hey guys, i have a question, may sound stupid but i would like to hear your opinion. lets imagine you want to take 10mg a day of a substance that has a short half life and this substance is in caps. so.. taking the 1 cap at one would spike your bloodlevels but they would drop fast to baseline...
  11. personal problems and rhabdomyolyse

    hey guys, short summary: long time gf ended relationship 1 week ago. I was dehydrated, trained through it, had pain, trained.. Monday ck > 100k, cola piss, emergencyroom. Rhabdomyalyse released yesterday, ck dropped under 10k, ldh raised though (any clue why?) so now i am home and wondering...
  12. UK WTB UK Stimfree Fatburners like Lipomoprh, Evomuse stuff, lean xtreme...

    Hi guys, just offer me what you have there :) i can trade or pay thanks!
  13. UK Read Auction Rules

    mod edit: read rules.
  14. Review rules.

    Mod edit: read rules.
  15. ignit3 and prohormones

    Hi guys, i would like to know more about the interaction of st. john wart with prohormones (msten, trest, basically methyls and nonmethyls) i guess it is not advised to take ignit3 while on cycle, correct? thanks guys!
  16. transdermal prohormone fridge

    Hi guys, to get accurate dosage i put my transdermal trest into a glass and keep it in the fridge. is there any negative aspect with this? can the prohormone particles get bad in the carrier if kept in the fridge? (5°C) my hope is that the fridge keeps the product good for longer.. if i apply...
  17. Liposomal delivery - information needed

    Hi guys, i am about to start 1-andro liquid by AMS in some weeks. This is a liquid with liposomal delivery if i understood correctly now my question: Can i take 3-5ml at once or is there a maximum amount of absorption? i ask because I cant take at work. I would like to dose once in the morning...
  18. USA 2 Sup3r PCT and 2 LJ100

    Hello guys, i am selling those 4 items because customs wouldnt let them pass. im selling those until end of week, best offer until then wins :> I ask Ray or Laila from OL to confirm what ive wrote. Thanks! Regards, Manuel
  19. buy supplements for some1 else

    Hi guys, i have a question if this is ok: We have very strict import rules here in germany. I would love to order from US but even vitamines, aminos and stuff will be hold back @ customs. Would it be possible that some1 else from within europe (Uk, greece, ...) buys stuff for me too and sends...
  20. Evomuse Defuse in Off season?

    Hey guys, i am wondering if i can take defuse by evomuse in the offseason with my 2 biggest meals? i thought about 2 caps 30min before each meal. Reason is to prevent fat gain. Or is this counterproductive? I do not think defuse stops the absorption of any macros, correct? What are your...