Search results

  1. Armistane?

    Would a female get potential cortisol decrease from using?
  2. USA 11kt

    Anyone have any 11kt they are looking to part with...DM me. Or point me to the best price to pick it up.
  3. USA S4?

    Looking for s4 if anyone has any
  4. USA Rad140

    Have AA Rad140 30ml-20mg/ml to trade for a sarm or epiandro.
  5. Pre must haves?

    Building best pre for performance... Creatine, l-citrulline, hica, gms, taurine, carb... What would be the best daily combo? I know we were all waiting for SNS to release theirs.... but what would you include?
  6. Vitamin D question

    Through blood work my vitamin D was in the upper limits without supplementation. Is it pointless to take if that is the case?
  7. NPP 100mg a week

    Is 100mg enough for joint relief with trt dose. Is there any common side effects from npp health wise? Thank you
  8. Magnesium

    For sleep purposes does the type really matter?
  9. USA I have rad140 to trade

    Interested in another sarm to trade for....DM any questions
  10. Rad140 side-effects

    So I was on 300mg test E with 50mg trest and 900mg epiandro... felt great joint, libido mod, and recovery. Dropped trest, kept test 300mg, epiandro 900-1200mg and added 10-20mg rad140. Got tired of peeing 24/7 with the epiandro so I dropped it. Since starting rad my joints and tendon pain feels...
  11. Trt ?

    So 46 years old and wife is on the pellet so I figure my turn. Many cycle under my belt. Did full health and hormone panel. Everything perfect luckily and my test came in at 750 in a 820 max scale. Does this mean my trt dose is going to have to be high as I'm not low testosterone... I know...
  12. Best for abdominal fat

    Realize diet and routine most important... What would be best PED to target abdominal fat best?

    I have an unopened bottle of SNS PA XT and looking to trade for SNS Anabolic XT. PA might be my favorite supp but I would love to try Anabolic xt. PM me.
  14. Best oral

    Best oral to look good and feel good without test base. Going on vacation for a month out of states. Any thoughts? Thank you.
  15. Ginseng products

    Any recommendations? Wife is looking to add adaptogens and this seems to be a good one to start with for potential energy and such. Open to other options too. SNS stress and anxiety looks like a good one to add on. But always out of stock...
  16. Yhcl vs AY

    If you can tolerate both which is better? I know you must dose YCHL pretty high, how bout AY?
  17. Inhibit-e

    Anyone notice any help in lower ab fat?
  18. USA For trade

    Have 2 unopened bottles of anacyclus xt and one unopened bottle of m-test. Looking to trade for a natural anabolic, androgin or something else I haven't tried. PM me.
  19. USA Trade

    Have SNS Optimize-T and mk-677 up for trade. Looking for natural anabolics and fat burners
  20. USA Up for trade

    Unopened Myosynergy for bottle.