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  1. jaycuda

    Great experience so far, keep it up

    Been using your products for the past 6 months(not a lot but two orders so far) after making a switch. Fast service and shipping, good prices, and quick response to allow me to pay with a non-listed option. Appreciate it, MA
  2. jaycuda

    Body shavers

    Weird question, but what electric razor do you guys who shave your chest use? Need to buy a new one and don't want to buy a crappy one or over pay.
  3. jaycuda

    Beginning A New Diet

    With New Years around the corner, Dma378 and I from the Olympus Labs team have decided to write about working your way into a proper diet. This is more so for the average New Years Revolutionist / people who are new to dieting. The biggest issue I see when people decide to get fit is that...
  4. jaycuda

    When you order delivery..

    Anybody else start creeping out their window around the estimated delivery time for your food? My wife calls me weird because I always do it, but our dog goes crazy every time the doorbell goes off and plus I'm usually starving.
  5. jaycuda

    Olympus Labs' Conquer Tub Giveaway for Before/Afters

    Looking to try a tub of Conquer? Here's your chance to get to for free! Olympus Labs is looking for Before & After photo, which you attritribute the progress to Olympus Labs' product(s). To enter, email your before and after photos to [email protected] and state which product(s)...
  6. jaycuda

    Olympus Labs' Cycle Layout Critique

    Starting this thread to help anybody who's interested finalize/tweak their planned cycle. This thread isn't to help you build a cycle from scratch(Although shoot me or any of our reps a PM if you need help with that) but to throw in our input on what we would in yours shoes. Basically, post...
  7. jaycuda

    Do you guys prefer Cinnabun Trutein with Water or Milk?

    Was excited to come home and try my cinnabun trutein. I used water and it came out tasting like crap.
  8. jaycuda

    When you're eating clean, where do most of your calories come from?

    Just like the title says: When you're eating clean, where do most of your calories come from? Looking for specifics. Lately a lot of my calories are from peanut butter sandwiches on whole grain bread. Healthiest food I can easily make and that tastes good.
  9. jaycuda

    Jay's experience with Dexaprine

    Thanks to Iforce Nutrition and Vaughtrue for sending me some nice samples of Dexaprine. So April 21st I received 5 sample packs of Dexaprine from Iforce Nutrition and started it right away, since I was leaving for the gym soon anyways. I took 1 capsule a day for 5 days in a row and here is...
  10. jaycuda

    Jay's Prime and Compound20 Log(Sponsored)

    First of all, a big thank you to USPlabs and Borobulker for hooking me up with a bottle of Prime, Compound20, and a new Shaker. Its an awesome opportunity for me to try out new products. Supplements: Compound20 - 2 in the morning and 2 6-8 hours later. Prime - 2 with breakfast, lunch, and...
  11. jaycuda

    Jay getting pumped with White Blood 2

    Thanks to RenegadeRows and Controlled Labs for giving me this opportunity to log this amazing Preworkout! I'll be commenting on how I'm liking the product everyday that I work out. Subscribe and follow along. Work out - I'll be taking 3 pills, approximately 45 minutes before, every...
  12. jaycuda

    Beast Sports Samples

    I've been using the samples I've gotten this past week and here's my reviews 2 Shredded - Honestly, I was impressed with my three days of this product. Diuretic effect - 10/10. Definitely dried me out and gave a more vascular look. Not sure what fitness models/bodybuilders/etc use currently to...
  13. jaycuda

    Jay starting the New Year with M1P!

    Thanks a lot to the guys from Taurus Nutrition. I scored big time with my slogan " Surpass your genetics. " and won a free bottle of M1P, Subres, and DAA-HCG. I'll be starting all this after my Christmas holiday, so it'll be a fresh start in the year of 2012. Age - 22 Work out Monday...
  14. jaycuda

    Jay breaking PRs with Intimidate and HGHpro

    Big thanks to VaughnTrue from iForce and GoHardOrGoHome from AI sports. To start with I would like to thank AI sports for hooking me up with HGHpro( and iForce Nutrition for allowing me to beta test their...