SNS Prime XT: Post Your Tribulus AQUATICUS testimony here



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Everyone feel free to post your experience with SNS Prime XT on this threat. Im hoping it can be a resource for people who want to jump in to see what they can possibly expect. Personally, when i look into threads like this, i want hear about people who are benefiting from it, people who arent, and ideas that may help non-responders become responders. I know sometimes that is impossible, but i was a epicatechin non-responder until a topical came out, so there is tremendous value in alternate avenues. I'll be frank and say i dont see alot of value in 1000 posts from the guy who is repeating over and over that he is a non-responder and how he thinks its all a scam and everyone is lying and is hell bent on, i dont know, dissuading buyers from losing money or buying from companies he dont like. if it didnt work, state it on here and kindly move on because people like to pop in for the raw testimonies, take the information, and get out. Im sorry, weve all been there and i know it sucks not responding to something while everyone else is seemingly responding. Im down with looking to troubleshoot for possible solutions with someone who wants to learn on here. if there is anyone else who is on a mission to smite the ingredient or any company that sells it, cool start your own thread man

A long time ago a tribulus aquaticus product hit the market at an extraction and dosage targeted for bodybuilders. It had the most outrageous claims, and yet, according to the AM poll you can conclude that most people would have recommended it:

The box stated that user could expect something like 90lb gains on their one rep squat. I added that and more to my 5 sets of 10 and about 90lbs to my 5 sets of 8-10 on the bench. Needless to say all the other lifts went up. The stuff must have remained on the market for at least 10 years. You could walk into any GNC or Vitamshoppe and buy it behind the glass and then one day they stopped making it. The company reps stated there were some issues with supply. who knows. I think you have a certain amount of people who didnt buy it because they confuse it with tribulus terrestris, others may have used it but didnt take the full dose for the full bottle, some people heard the claims and just assumed it was spiked, some took it and loved it, and the rest were non-responders. It looked like the company had moved on to less risky innovated products onto selling aminos and such now that they had built up a wide distribution network and they didnt miss it. On top of that, there are no studies on it and the supplier never laid it out for anyone what theyre extracting it for and so it was lost; For years you couldn't get it anywhere. If you ask me, it was lost to the world due to a lack of education, which is why im writing about it.

Im including some history below for reference, including from my own prior use before Precision Research stopped making tribulus aquaticus.

My supply had run out a few years ago, as i had been buying up swaths of bottles on auction sites. I extended my run with a product that reportedly had the same extraction from Precison Research called Primal. When it ran out, I didnt develop b*tch t*ts, lose my libido etc, so im ruling out that it was spiked. I actually didnt even lose strength, at least for a long time. some sets i still retained it, although it has been sheer hell pulling them off; Im talking about lagging upwards of 10 minutes between sets for fear of the sheer pain of it. At some point i worked out when i had the earlybird covid which is far beyond what alot of other people caught later down the line and woke up the next day with a brutal injury that affected my shoulder excercises. when recovered to the extent that i have, i had lost about 70lbs from my 220lbs 10 rep military press sets and there is alot of pain that had been blowing back at me after my last rep of every set. my bench held up at 220 it was at initially after tribulus aquaticus, but i attribute that to my subsequent use of absorption-enhanced epicatechin, large doses of leucine, and forskolin, all of which had bumped my strength considerably. There was some overlap and at one point my 10 rep bench had been at 250. I had never pushed my squat past 5 sets of 10 at 315lbs when i had started the other supplements. I could have, i just felt my legs were big enough and i didnt want to injure a knee like someone i know did. also, its alot on the spine, so i wasnt shocked that my squats never went down, although i used to be able to do 20 reps at a time if i was in a rush to leave the gym and now that isnt an option. I also kept bent row at 120lbs 10 reps, although it has been agony. Iremember dropping leucine at one point and within a week i couldnt do it. fortunately, resuming that brought the benefit back. It's safe to say all other lifts have decreased, and they were decreasing in real time, as in literrally last week my bench which had gone down to consistently 8 reps, became 4 reps for the first set and then 8 for the rest.

Which brings us to today: SNS has a product request thread on here and several of us wanted tribulus aquaticus back. Apparently, SNS has been in contact with the supplier who provided raws to USPLabs and Precision Research. I started dosing 27 days ago. My last workout before today was two days ago on 5/13/24 at which point i had noticed zero benefit. today was different:


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1. Days consistently dosing SNS Prime XT:
2. Dosage used:
3. Any other new supplements started recently before starting or during Prime XT usage:
4. Years lifting weights:
5. Bulking or Cutting:
6. calorie surplus, maintenance, or below maintenance:
7. gaining or losing bodyweight:
8. any other relevant infor:
8. increase in strength measured in LBS since taking Prime XT: (for example, if you could do 10 reps of a weight, and with Prime XT you can do 16, how many more lbs would you have to add in order to max out at 10 reps again):
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1. Days consistently dosing SNS Prime XT: 27 days. first day was one dose
2. Dosage used: 2 caps 3x/day. I started to panic after my 5/13/24 workout, thinking maybe my age is rendering me a non-responder and consequently moved to 3 caps 3x/day, but Im sure i was just being impatient. . I also dont remember exactly how long it took to kick in for me the first time i used tribulus aquaticus, i just got impatient reading other people's testimonies these past few days.
3. Any other new supplements started recently before starting or during Prime XT usage: yeah look, i wanted to keep things pure in the strength department from other contenders i hadnt tried yet. I had some concerns because i had bombed on two popular products used for strength that i finished sometime after starting Prime XT. Im actually getting weaker, so i added a Mediator Phosphatidic acid at 4 caps x 2/ day(double dose) with piperine on 5.6.24 . Ive also increased my forskolin from 40mg/day to 130mg/day as of 5/3/24 (12 days ago). Im guessing here, but im attributing the weightloss to the forskolin, as i have a pronounced and sustained rise in body temperature after dosing. It is especially obvious at night, as i worked in a climate controlled room and im having to remove clothing. I was on a high end caffeine free fat burner that has kept me 3lbs lighter while maintaining strength, but i dropped that after seeing so much weightloss and im still losing it.
4. Years lifting weights: maybe 22 years
5. Bulking or Cutting: neither. i happen to be losing significant weight while gaining strength, so that's the direction im going to keep going. If the weightloss stopped, i would not decrease calories.
6. Caloric surplus, maintenance, or deficit: I was considered at maintenance, i mean i eat the same meals in the same quantities all week and lose weight from monday until friday. friday, saturday, and sunday night i eat more and am typically 3 lbs heavier when i weigh myself at the same time on the same day of the week with the same amount of time from the last dump i took.
8: any other relevant information: I work a 96 hours workweek. I prop myself up with a number of supplements but no caffeine. definitely sleep deprived. I would say my i would like to sleep 6 hours more than i do.
7. increase in strength measured in LBS observed with Prime XT: (for example, if you could do 10 reps of a weight, and with Prime XT you can do 16, how many more lbs would you have to add in order to max out at 10 reps again):

, On 5/15/24:

seated upright dumbell press went from 60lbs x 10 to 85lbs x 10

military press: 150lbs x10 to 170lbs x 10.

not sure what to call it, but it's a straight wrist dumbell one armed military press: 45 lbs x 10 to 70lbs x 10

i tried to chain a 25lb plate for pullups but it kept hitting an adjunct lift device. i will be able to try it on different unit next week

curlbar 90lbs x 10 to 100lbs x 10. My form was alittle off for these, but ive had weeks recently where i wont have enough in the tank to do them at all and ive actually skipped doing them

ab machine: i didnt push this to the max for the reps i normally do, because i have to focuse on quality with these, but i went from 50lbs 15 reps to 65lbs 15 reps
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  • RockStar
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Hell yeah as long as i continue to look better than 95% of anyone from any age group at my gym im good
Those are my goals as well. Just trying to look better than the average Joe :LOL:


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Those are my goals as well. Just trying to look better than the average Joe :LOL:
Yeah i mean fortunately i have to work out in the AM, so most of my competitors are there because their doctor told them to be there, but it’s not like the young guys are bringing the heat either


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I'll be 50 next week. I have nothing in common with my peers physically, and wreck 25yo's regularly in bjj, and I play to keep it that way for a long time.
That's the way to do it when you're double their age and beating them :ROFLMAO:


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I havent forgotten about this log. Ive got alot going on that making me an unfit candidate to move forward with it at the moment. Im still taking prime xt, but im losing alot of weight from triple dosing forskolin and ive decided to see where that leads and if i can somehow continue to get leaner without losing strength. all things considered, i may be able to be naturally and simultaneously strong, shredded, and not deflated (if i can put a good pump lineup together). I also have alot of other unanswered questions about my results and so i figure ill need to revisit this topic at a later time when there is less confusion


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I havent forgotten about this log. Ive got alot going on that making me an unfit candidate to move forward with it at the moment. Im still taking prime xt, but im losing alot of weight from triple dosing forskolin and ive decided to see where that leads and if i can somehow continue to get leaner without losing strength. all things considered, i may be able to be naturally and simultaneously strong, shredded, and not deflated (if i can put a good pump lineup together). I also have alot of other unanswered questions about my results and so i figure ill need to revisit this topic at a later time when there is less confusion
That sounds like a great scenario if can lose a lot lot of weight and get a lot leaner without losing strength and muscle.

Forskolin XT is very underrated. What dosage are you using?


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That sounds like a great scenario if can lose a lot lot of weight and get a lot leaner without losing strength and muscle.

Forskolin XT is very underrated. What dosage are you using?
I couldnt find the quote for the dose where you guys were talking about higher dosages you had used, so i doubled my dose to 80mg and added another 50mg by adding forskolin xt .what i was taking which is now 130mg.I also take an albion selenium in the morning to assist the conversion to t3. Did not have hypothyroid prior to this protocol. I work in a controlled temperature room weeknights and take one of my doses with a protein shake; within an hour, i have to take a layer off from the noticable rise in the metabolic rate. Right now, i weigh what i did at 25% less calories without a drop in strength. Not sure if im going to get to a point where i feel like ive lost too much weight; that is totally possible at this rate. Sometimes, i scarf down a boatload of plaintain chips with breakfast before a workout, and face zero negative consequences for the extra carb calories. Is the weightloss going to plateau? Am i going to get weaker? I have no idea, this has never happened in 20 years of supplementation
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I havent forgotten about this log. Ive got alot going on that making me an unfit candidate to move forward with it at the moment. Im still taking prime xt, but im losing alot of weight from triple dosing forskolin and ive decided to see where that leads and if i can somehow continue to get leaner without losing strength. all things considered, i may be able to be naturally and simultaneously strong, shredded, and not deflated (if i can put a good pump lineup together). I also have alot of other unanswered questions about my results and so i figure ill need to revisit this topic at a later time when there is less confusion
dayum thats awesome .. im a hard gainer when it comes to gaining weight but ill lose weight quickly ( which i dont want to as im only 177lbs ) .. i do like to take lean products such as recomp & lean edge time to time

when i lose 2-3lbs and can keep my strength to increase thats when i know supps are working ( anabolic effect and new love ecdy plex & phosphatic acidxt for strength has been awesome )

exiciting to see how primeXT holds up for you.

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