Pepti-Plex - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Powered by AI Discovered Natural Anabolic Peptides



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FWIW - I am VERY impressed with Api-Plex.
Care to elaborate? Sure @sns8778 wont mind us discussing another of his products even though it’s Pepti-Plex thread.

Edit: I’ve just read this entire thread from start to finish, great read. Anyone care to update their effects/experiences as seeing there will be a few guys with over 6 or so weeks continued use ??

Thank you
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Care to elaborate? Sure @sns8778 wont mind us discussing another of his products even though it’s Pepti-Plex thread.

Edit: I’ve just read this entire thread from start to finish, great read. Anyone care to update their effects/experiences as seeing there will be a few guys with over 6 or so weeks continued use ??

Thank you
Hopefully some people will answer with their feedback, as many people are using it as a year round supplement for a variety of reasons.

Here are two links to very good and detailed logs that people have included Pepti-Plex thoughts and info in:



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I read exactly what you wrote. I'm not sure what you're saying I misunderstood.

I came on here to check on something and this has ruined my whole Saturday. I had planned to put up a new product release tonight or tomorrow but now doubt I'll even get back on here this weekend.

You came into this thread and mentioned Glaxon's product - after me asking multiple times for people to please stop mentioning other companies products in this thread - and after someone already spamming this thread with the Glaxon sale at Predator and the Admin banning the person for it.

You used price examples from the two most expensive UK retailers, but didn't mention the least expensive one.

I cannot control what Powermyself or Predator sell anything for - we sell to them at very good prices to allow them to sell products to consumers as inexpensively as possible. I cannot control how much they choose to mark things up.

I also nicely explained that you rarely ever see products sold in the UK at substantially less than in the US, so it seems like it may be a situation where a distributor there is overstocked or something on the Glaxon product which could be why they are selling it so low - bc that's substantially less than it sells for in the US and they are a US based company.

If you feel that Predator and Powermyself are too expensive, Unreal Supps is selling it for quite a bit less and we have a lot of people from the UK order directly from us, especially during sale times.

Regardless, our formula is different than theirs - very different.

PeptiStrong is a branded ingredient from Nuritas.
Different companies use PeptiStrong in different formulas.

I cannot help that Glaxon has little to no feedback on their product; that has nothing to do with Pepti-Plex.
I cannot control if Powermyself/Predator are overstocked/trying to blow out Glaxon's; that has nothing to do with Pepti-Plex.
You mentioned Predators pricing on Pepti-Plex - I too wish they would sell it for less, but I see now that they are sold out of stock of it, so it must be selling for them.

I'm tired of people comparing Pepti-Plex to other PeptiStrong products. It's disrespectful, and it makes me feel like there's just no need to even bother to do comprehensive write ups anymore bc its like people don't bother to read them or something.

Pepti-Plex is an excellent product with a lot of great feedback. It contains 6 branded ingredients and works via multiple pathways that no other PeptiStrong product does - even Price Plow has done several pieces pointing that out.

The feedback on Pepti-Plex has been excellent and it isn't interchangeable with other PeptiStrong products. Heck, we will likely use PeptiStrong ourselves in a few more things and the way it works in those won't be interchangeable with the way it works in Pepti-Plex - because the way it works and variety of benefits is related to how it works as an overall formula.
I’ve just seen this after I’ve replied to your inbox. My apologies Steve.


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I’ve just seen this after I’ve replied to your inbox. My apologies Steve.
Thank you. And no worries, I think it was some miscommunication. Glad we have it sorted out.

I hope that you'll enjoy Pepti-Plex and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on it.


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I've been on Pepti-Plex for 12 weeks now with what I think are fantastic results.

I have experimented dosing both 2 in the morning and 2 at night, 4 at night only. 6 capsules - 2 in the morning and 4 at night, which I was enjoying but for cost effectiveness and to make sure I had enough to finish the planned cycle. I went back down and now I dose my 2 capsules after work out which is usually around 12pm and then 2 more at around 6pm. I've found the latest dosage schedule to be the most efficacious for me in terms of prolonged mood effects and continued sleep positives.

Better mood - it takes the edge off, I feel more clarity and less anxious as reported before, this has been locked in continuously throughout the 12 weeks.

Recovery has increased, less sore and fatigued after a hard day of training.
My joints all feel a lot less achy.

Sleep is better, it takes me less time to get to sleep when I'm able to and it feels way more restful as I am much more energetic and find myself reaching for less caffeine to get through the day, I also feel more recovered even when I have a bad night of sleep.

Another positive is I do have a great skin care regimen as well, but my wife and others have mentioned I look a lot more youthful lately.

I started off the first month in a 500 calories surplus and then the next month at maintenance calories and the last 4 weeks I have been in a 300 calorie deficit trying to recomp a little more.
I can tell things are fitting tighter around my legs and across the back, now I would need a body pod to show exactly how much muscle I have gained, It's not a lot of course, but I think any amount in a short period of time is huge, considering I've been natty all my life and am 40 years old and training for almost 30 years.

Other things to note:
2 of the months I was also on Anabolic XT and Optimize T.
This last 4 weeks I've only been taking Pepti-Plex and Cardiovascular Support XT (which seems like a highly underrated product btw and I am loving it.)
I've only noticed my muscular endurance has gone back a bit, I can't push myself as hard as I could when going to failure on an exercise for a set and my libido isn't as good as the previous 2 months but that is expected as I'm not on Anabolic XT and Optimize T anymore which again is an amazing combo to stack and I plan on running again with Anabolic Effect added, so yes despite this every other positive effect has held out which I believe is proven to be from Pepti-Plex.

I hope this information is helpful and finds you all well.
Cheers and lets keep growing !
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I've been on Pepti-Plex for 12 weeks now with what I think are fantastic results.

I have experimented dosing both 2 in the morning and 2 at night, 4 at night only. 6 capsules - 2 in the morning and 4 at night, which I was enjoying but for cost effectiveness and to make sure I had enough to finish the planned cycle. I went back down and now I dose my 2 capsules after work out which is usually around 12pm and then 2 more at around 6pm. I've found the latest dosage schedule to be the most efficacious for me in terms of prolonged mood effects and continued sleep positives.

Better mood - it takes the edge off, I feel more clarity and less anxious as reported before, this has been locked in continuously throughout the 12 weeks.

Recovery has increased, less sore and fatigued after a hard day of training.
My joints all feel a lot less achy.

Sleep is better, it takes me less time to get to sleep when I'm able to and it feels way more restful as I am much more energetic and find myself reaching for less caffeine to get through the day, I also feel more recovered even when I have a bad night of sleep.

Another positive is I do have a great skin care regimen as well, but my wife and others have mentioned I look a lot more youthful lately.

I started off the first month in a 500 calories surplus and then the next month at maintenance calories and the last 4 weeks I have been in a 300 calorie deficit trying to recomp a little more.
I can tell things are fitting tighter around my legs and across the back, now I would need a body pod to show exactly how much muscle I have gained, It's not a lot of course, but I think any amount in a short period of time is huge, considering I've been natty all my life and am 40 years old and training for almost 30 years.

Other things to note:
2 of the months I was also on Anabolic XT and Optimize T.
This last 4 weeks I've only been taking Pepti-Plex and Cardiovascular Support XT (which seems like a highly underrated product btw and I am loving it.)
I've only noticed my muscular endurance has gone back a bit, I can't push myself as hard as I could when going to failure on an exercise for a set and my libido isn't as good as the previous 2 months but that is expected as I'm not on Anabolic XT and Optimize T anymore which again is an amazing combo to stack and I plan on running again with Anabolic Effect added, so yes despite this every other positive effect has held out which I believe is proven to be from Pepti-Plex.

I hope this information is helpful and finds you all well.
Cheers and lets keep growing !
Excellent synopsis!!! Thank you for the detail with the dosage and timing. I have been doing all 4 caps 1st thing in am. I am going to play w the timing.


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Excellent synopsis!!! Thank you for the detail with the dosage and timing. I have been doing all 4 caps 1st thing in am. I am going to play w the timing.
Thank you ! Please report back your findings here once you've experimented with different timing, always curious to know how it works for others.


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Thank you ! Please report back your findings here once you've experimented with different timing, always curious to know how it works for others.
I will. I am going to try 2 in the a.m. and 2 post workout which is after work. I am also taking MitoBurn 2 caps in a.m. it has a curbed appetite effect on me. I may switch that to 2 caps pre workout as I get night cravings.


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5 month update/ review. Alot of thoughts even more so than whats written but tried giving an in depth review.

Be going my 6th bottle and all I can say is this has been an amazing experience. For reference I'm sitting at about 206lbs right now not in the best shape of my life but the best I have felt in years even more so then when I was at my lightest of 180lbs (as well as feel the healthiest I have ever felt)

Going for the number one positive effect this supplement has brought to the table imo.

Injury recovery- 12/10 I know sounds too good to be true but hear me out; I have been on and off lifting since college and back about 11 years ago had a accident at work and in turn had bad sciatica and lower back pain and right shoulder that popped and felt unstable while doing dumbell chest press/ shoulder press. Back pain was so bad at times I had to have my brother help me off the floor if i decided to sit (which was idiotic thinking back to it), as well when i had my daughter i couldnt hold for a extended period of time even when she was only 8lbs. Just trying to buckle her in her car seat I would be in alot of pain for such a simple task and pain lingered for hours. I have been to chiropractors pt and working on my mobility on my own on and off through my journey. To this date I can say for certain I'm 99% pain free everything's feels great and have shown no signs of deterioration, I have felt like this for months but wanted to give it some more time before I posted my findings of having no pain.

Recovery (general)- 10/10 this is the hardest I have ever trained in my life (also the smartest) and recovery from workouts which include running lifting and plyometrics, I am going strong with little to no signs of fatigue. I made it goal going into last year to stay active up to a point of not burning myself out. I'm averaging 25k+ steps a day and doing cardio (120+heartrate) 5x a week. It's nothing against my inner circle and family but habits are not the best around me and not many people that I am close to enjoy lifting and general health to them is not the important, so I have to hold myself accountable and stay busy as much as I can or bad habits creep up quick. I love running something I never really cared for before but always loved lifting so for me its a hobby where I get to have fun and it's awesome to see all the progress along the way.

Pumps/muscle fullness- 8.5/10 combining this with superswole which i was taking before pepti; I definitely notice an uptick in pumps even hours after the gym. Superswole is hard to beat but after starting pepti plex I gained the slightest more muscle fullness which was more noticeable when training fasted.

Strength- 10/10 I was cutting when I started taking peptiplex, I managed to keep my strength all the way through to the end of my cut in November then transitioned into a bulk (total of 26 weeks cutting all together with 2 diet breaks in between). Fast forward to end of January I have been doing a mini cut to get ready for vacation. Been averaging 2.93lbs weightloss per week. No sign of fatigue and strength numbers ime the most impressive is hitting 225lbs front squats for sets is something I have not done ever. Pull ups have gotten up to 4 sets of 12-15 reps with relaxed pause at bottom (even at my lightest of 180lbs I was lucky to hit 10-12 for 3 sets).

I have my nutrition and lifestyle changes in order, while supplementing with pepti-plex it certainly has elevated many aspects of performance and how I feel in my daily life. Definitely without a doubt will be running this year round and can't recommend this enough to anyone trying to find something that is beneficial inside/outside the gym.
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5 month update/ review. Alot of thoughts even more so than whats written but tried giving an in depth review.

Be going my 6th bottle and all I can say is this has been an amazing experience. For reference I'm sitting at about 206lbs right now not in the best shape of my life but the best I have felt in years even more so then when I was at my lightest of 180lbs (as well as feel the healthiest I have ever felt)

Going for the number one positive effect this supplement has brought to the table imo.

Injury recovery- 12/10 I know sounds too good to be true but hear me out; I have been on and off lifting since college and back about 11 years ago had a accident at work and in turn had bad sciatica and lower back pain and right shoulder that popped and felt unstable while doing dumbell chest press/ shoulder press. Back pain was so bad at times I had to have my brother help me off the floor if i decided to sit (which was idiotic thinking back to it), as well when i had my daughter i couldnt hold for a extended period of time even when she was only 8lbs. Just trying to buckle her in her car seat I would be in alot of pain for such a simple task and pain lingered for hours. I have been to chiropractors pt and working on my mobility on my own on and off through my journey. To this date I can say for certain I'm 99% pain free everything's feels great and have shown no signs of deterioration, I have felt like this for months but wanted to give it some more time before I posted my findings of having no pain.

Recovery (general)- 10/10 this is the hardest I have ever trained in my life (also the smartest) and recovery from workouts which include running lifting and plyometrics, I am going strong with little to no signs of fatigue. I made it goal going into last year to stay active up to a point of not burning myself out. I'm averaging 25k+ steps a day and doing cardio (120+heartrate) 5x a week. It's nothing against my inner circle and family but habits are not the best around me and not many people that I am close to enjoy lifting and general health to them is not the important, so I have to hold myself accountable and stay busy as much as I can or bad habits creep up quick. I love running something I never really cared for before but always loved lifting so for me its a hobby where I get to have fun and it's awesome to see all the progress along the way.

Pumps/muscle fullness- 8.5/10 combining this with superswole which i was taking I definitely notice an uptick in pumps even hours after the gym. Superswole is hard to beat but after starting pepti plex I gained the slightest more muscle fullness which was more noticeable when training fasted.

Strength- 10/10 I was cutting when I started taking peptiplex, I managed to keep my strength all the way through to the end of my cut in November then transitioned into a bulk (total of 26 weeks cutting all together with 2 diet breaks in between). Fast forward to end of January I have been doing a mini cut to get ready for vacation. Been averaging 2.93lbs weightloss per week. No sign of fatigue and strength numbers ime the most impressive is hitting 225lbs front squats for sets is something I have not done ever. Pull ups have gotten up to 4 sets of 12-15 reps with relaxed pause at bottom (even at my lightest of 180lbs I was lucky to hit 10-12 for 3 sets).

I have my nutrition and lifestyle changes in order, while supplementing with pepti-plex it certainly has elevated many aspects of performance and how I feel in my daily life. Definitely without a doubt will be running this year round and can't recommend this enough to anyone trying to find something that is beneficial inside/outside the gym.
love it .. i know never wanna come off and why would you when you see results like those from a natural product

congrats on weight loss and continue to improve on strength is awesome to see.


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5 month update/ review. Alot of thoughts even more so than whats written but tried giving an in depth review.

Be going my 6th bottle and all I can say is this has been an amazing experience. For reference I'm sitting at about 206lbs right now not in the best shape of my life but the best I have felt in years even more so then when I was at my lightest of 180lbs (as well as feel the healthiest I have ever felt)

Going for the number one positive effect this supplement has brought to the table imo.

Injury recovery- 12/10 I know sounds too good to be true but hear me out; I have been on and off lifting since college and back about 11 years ago had a accident at work and in turn had bad sciatica and lower back pain and right shoulder that popped and felt unstable while doing dumbell chest press/ shoulder press. Back pain was so bad at times I had to have my brother help me off the floor if i decided to sit (which was idiotic thinking back to it), as well when i had my daughter i couldnt hold for a extended period of time even when she was only 8lbs. Just trying to buckle her in her car seat I would be in alot of pain for such a simple task and pain lingered for hours. I have been to chiropractors pt and working on my mobility on my own on and off through my journey. To this date I can say for certain I'm 99% pain free everything's feels great and have shown no signs of deterioration, I have felt like this for months but wanted to give it some more time before I posted my findings of having no pain.

Recovery (general)- 10/10 this is the hardest I have ever trained in my life (also the smartest) and recovery from workouts which include running lifting and plyometrics, I am going strong with little to no signs of fatigue. I made it goal going into last year to stay active up to a point of not burning myself out. I'm averaging 25k+ steps a day and doing cardio (120+heartrate) 5x a week. It's nothing against my inner circle and family but habits are not the best around me and not many people that I am close to enjoy lifting and general health to them is not the important, so I have to hold myself accountable and stay busy as much as I can or bad habits creep up quick. I love running something I never really cared for before but always loved lifting so for me its a hobby where I get to have fun and it's awesome to see all the progress along the way.

Pumps/muscle fullness- 8.5/10 combining this with superswole which i was taking before pepti; I definitely notice an uptick in pumps even hours after the gym. Superswole is hard to beat but after starting pepti plex I gained the slightest more muscle fullness which was more noticeable when training fasted.

Strength- 10/10 I was cutting when I started taking peptiplex, I managed to keep my strength all the way through to the end of my cut in November then transitioned into a bulk (total of 26 weeks cutting all together with 2 diet breaks in between). Fast forward to end of January I have been doing a mini cut to get ready for vacation. Been averaging 2.93lbs weightloss per week. No sign of fatigue and strength numbers ime the most impressive is hitting 225lbs front squats for sets is something I have not done ever. Pull ups have gotten up to 4 sets of 12-15 reps with relaxed pause at bottom (even at my lightest of 180lbs I was lucky to hit 10-12 for 3 sets).

I have my nutrition and lifestyle changes in order, while supplementing with pepti-plex it certainly has elevated many aspects of performance and how I feel in my daily life. Definitely without a doubt will be running this year round and can't recommend this enough to anyone trying to find something that is beneficial inside/outside the gym.
Thank you for the great feedback


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5 month update/ review. Alot of thoughts even more so than whats written but tried giving an in depth review.

Be going my 6th bottle and all I can say is this has been an amazing experience. For reference I'm sitting at about 206lbs right now not in the best shape of my life but the best I have felt in years even more so then when I was at my lightest of 180lbs (as well as feel the healthiest I have ever felt)

Going for the number one positive effect this supplement has brought to the table imo.

Injury recovery- 12/10 I know sounds too good to be true but hear me out; I have been on and off lifting since college and back about 11 years ago had a accident at work and in turn had bad sciatica and lower back pain and right shoulder that popped and felt unstable while doing dumbell chest press/ shoulder press. Back pain was so bad at times I had to have my brother help me off the floor if i decided to sit (which was idiotic thinking back to it), as well when i had my daughter i couldnt hold for a extended period of time even when she was only 8lbs. Just trying to buckle her in her car seat I would be in alot of pain for such a simple task and pain lingered for hours. I have been to chiropractors pt and working on my mobility on my own on and off through my journey. To this date I can say for certain I'm 99% pain free everything's feels great and have shown no signs of deterioration, I have felt like this for months but wanted to give it some more time before I posted my findings of having no pain.

Recovery (general)- 10/10 this is the hardest I have ever trained in my life (also the smartest) and recovery from workouts which include running lifting and plyometrics, I am going strong with little to no signs of fatigue. I made it goal going into last year to stay active up to a point of not burning myself out. I'm averaging 25k+ steps a day and doing cardio (120+heartrate) 5x a week. It's nothing against my inner circle and family but habits are not the best around me and not many people that I am close to enjoy lifting and general health to them is not the important, so I have to hold myself accountable and stay busy as much as I can or bad habits creep up quick. I love running something I never really cared for before but always loved lifting so for me its a hobby where I get to have fun and it's awesome to see all the progress along the way.

Pumps/muscle fullness- 8.5/10 combining this with superswole which i was taking before pepti; I definitely notice an uptick in pumps even hours after the gym. Superswole is hard to beat but after starting pepti plex I gained the slightest more muscle fullness which was more noticeable when training fasted.

Strength- 10/10 I was cutting when I started taking peptiplex, I managed to keep my strength all the way through to the end of my cut in November then transitioned into a bulk (total of 26 weeks cutting all together with 2 diet breaks in between). Fast forward to end of January I have been doing a mini cut to get ready for vacation. Been averaging 2.93lbs weightloss per week. No sign of fatigue and strength numbers ime the most impressive is hitting 225lbs front squats for sets is something I have not done ever. Pull ups have gotten up to 4 sets of 12-15 reps with relaxed pause at bottom (even at my lightest of 180lbs I was lucky to hit 10-12 for 3 sets).

I have my nutrition and lifestyle changes in order, while supplementing with pepti-plex it certainly has elevated many aspects of performance and how I feel in my daily life. Definitely without a doubt will be running this year round and can't recommend this enough to anyone trying to find something that is beneficial inside/outside the gym.
Wow man that is great news to hear, glad you posted that to share with everyone. Very good review and awesome results!


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Thank you for sharing your feedback.

I'm so happy for you with your results, and especially with it helping you with the pain and quality of life. Physique benefits are great and important, but hearing things like how something helps someone be more interactive with their kids or feel better and be out of pain have a special place for me.


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Thank you for sharing your feedback.

I'm so happy for you with your results, and especially with it helping you with the pain and quality of life. Physique benefits are great and important, but hearing things like how something helps someone be more interactive with their kids or feel better and be out of pain have a special place for me.

Me as well. Those who are younger(I'm NOT old but I am past the end of the beginning lol) you may not appreciate this aspect of an "anabolic" but the ability to make gains AND improve that which holds back so many, pain, is so valuable.


I am about to start my 2nd month of pepti plex. Is there any benefit to adding a 3rd dose, or is there diminishing returns at a certain point.


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I am about to start my 2nd month of pepti plex. Is there any benefit to adding a 3rd dose, or is there diminishing returns at a certain point.
I hope that you are enjoying it so far.

There are a lot of people that are using 6 to 8 capsules per day.

Good question though, as there are some things that there would be no point going higher on, but everything I've known of from people doing it with Pepti-Plex has been very beneficial.


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I am about to start my 2nd month of pepti plex. Is there any benefit to adding a 3rd dose, or is there diminishing returns at a certain point.
im testing it at 6 caps .. still 2 doses ...
2 in morning upon waking
4 pre workout days on in evening on off days.

i do like this .. didn't think to try 3 doses .. maybe in march will test out that theory to see if i notice something .. i do think it will be nice that way .. long as you get the full doses before workout .. and remaining 2 caps post or sleep.


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I'm running low on my bottle of Pepti-Plex, but will be buying more. I've been running as part of a larger stack, but feel this is the main contributor to positive progress. Running at 4 caps all at once in the morning.


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I'm running low on my bottle of Pepti-Plex, but will be buying more. I've been running as part of a larger stack, but feel this is the main contributor to positive progress. Running at 4 caps all at once in the morning.
You dosing that just on training days or every day?
I finally got around to ordering this so getting up to speed on what everyone is running for dosing.


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You dosing that just on training days or every day?
I finally got around to ordering this so getting up to speed on what everyone is running for dosing.
I can't answer for him, I'm sure he will when he sees the question, but you would want to use Pepti-Plex daily for best results.

max silver

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I can't answer for him, I'm sure he will when he sees the question, but you would want to use Pepti-Plex daily for best results.
What do you think of increasing the preworkout dose on lifting days? I'm pondering the idea of increasing Pepti-plex to 3-4 caps preworkout, with a second 2 capsule dose later in the day. Non lifting days would continue at 2x2 capsules.


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What do you think of increasing the preworkout dose on lifting days? I'm pondering the idea of increasing Pepti-plex to 3-4 caps preworkout, with a second 2 capsule dose later in the day. Non lifting days would continue at 2x2 capsules.
I think that you could definitely do that.

A lot of people are really liking 6 to 8 caps per day.

I haven't been training consistently, but have been using Pepti-Plex for the muscle health and bc I just in general feel better, and I'm hoping to get started back next week and was considering either doubling the dose or doubling the dose pre-workout myself.


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You dosing that just on training days or every day?
I finally got around to ordering this so getting up to speed on what everyone is running for dosing.
Daily, 4 caps in the AM. Have been running 2 bottles straight.
I can't answer for him, I'm sure he will when he sees the question, but you would want to use Pepti-Plex daily for best results.

Speaking of which, it's time for me to reup. Any sales coming up we should be aware of Steve?


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My current SNS stack (getting off TRT and taking 6.25 Enclom as well) is:

Optimize-T (4 per day split split)
Pepti-Plex (4 per day split)
Anabolic XT (6 per day split)

Feeling very good on this.
I will be finishing enclom in like a week and will just continue w/ the SNS stack until my bloods in APR.


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Daily, 4 caps in the AM. Have been running 2 bottles straight. Yep!

Speaking of which, it's time for me to reup. Any sales coming up we should be aware of Steve?
I know he'd mentioned a possibility of an Easter sale. I'm trying to see how few products I can get by on until then 😅


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Daily, 4 caps in the AM. Have been running 2 bottles straight. Yep!

Speaking of which, it's time for me to reup. Any sales coming up we should be aware of Steve?
I know he'd mentioned a possibility of an Easter sale. I'm trying to see how few products I can get by on until then 😅
We may do an Easter Sale.

We normally do sales around the holidays and many times will do introductory discounts on new products.

There's a big trend now days of brands that offer sale prices a large amount of the time, but its almost like they mark things up so much in general that their sale prices are just their regular prices in a lot of cases.

I prefer to offer better prices all the time, and then sales at select times of the year. Plus, we started offering the already discounted multi-packs on a lot of things so people can save more money anytime too.


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My current SNS stack (getting off TRT and taking 6.25 Enclom as well) is:

Optimize-T (4 per day split split)
Pepti-Plex (4 per day split)
Anabolic XT (6 per day split)

Feeling very good on this.
I will be finishing enclom in like a week and will just continue w/ the SNS stack until my bloods in APR.
I'm doing this plus epi and ae and x gels lol and l carntine for x gels and glycer grow for xgels


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I'm doing this plus epi and ae and x gels lol and l carntine for x gels and glycer grow for xgels
damn pumps gotta be insane .. i love xgels havent ran it in a while


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I'm doing this plus epi and ae and x gels lol and l carntine for x gels and glycer grow for xgels
That is a great stack, especially since you mentioned using Phosphatidic Acid XT with it too.

If you want a good glycerol source, GlycerPump capsules are great. You mentioned Glycer Grow - I hadn't heard about that in years, but the last time I looked at it, it was glycerol monostearate. It may have changed though.

XPG will soon be coming out with an L-Carnitine Gel product for anyone that really likes carnitine.


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Pepti-Plex + Recovery Fix - Memorial Day Sale & Special Offer

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  • 30% Off Price: 118.99 (saves an additional 51.00 for a total savings of 60.98)

Pepti-Plex - 4 Bottle Multi-Pack
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Pepti-Plex - 6 Bottle Multi-Pack
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Pepti-Plex - 12 Bottle Multi-Pack
  • Regular Price: 599.99 (saves 119.89)
  • 20% Off Price: 479.99 (save an additional 120.00 for a total savings of 239.89)
  • 30% Off Price: 419.99 (save an additional 180.00 for a total savings of 299.89)


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Anabolic XT, Pepti-Plex, & Phosphatidic Acid XT Memorial Day Special Offer!

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SNS - Save 20% to 30% Off:
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Anabolic XT, Pepti-Plex, Phosphatidic Acid XT Stack:
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  • 20% Off Price: 127.99 (saves an additional 32.00 for a total savings of 51.98)
  • 30% Off Price: 111.99 (saves an additional 48.00 for a total savings of 67.98)

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