Recent content by Swanson52

  1. Swanson52

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    Greetings fellow Sam’s Club enjoyer. I get a ton of the same ****.
  2. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    265.8 SSB @60% 185x5x5 DB SLDL 60x2x6 DB Bench 70x2x6 Still low RPE stuff, it’ll be that way for 3 more weeks. I’m having some right shoulder pain, so I hit my nephew up at the gym this morning as he’s a licensed massage therapist. He did a little evaluation and some quick work, and it...
  3. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    263.6. The test bloat might be coming off. 60 min MICT this morning, I’ll prob do another 45-60 tonight. I’m at the office all week this week, so I’m getting no movement at all.
  4. Swanson52

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    We got about 6 inches, and my apartment complex took care of it. lol
  5. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    265.8 Trap bar DL-glute bias 225x3x3 BW Pull ups BWx2x3 Fixed barbell curls 70x8 Again RPE 7 work, trying to be explosive. Added 30 min LISS at the end.
  6. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    Thanks, sir! Ya, man, some days it’s a chore. Might be days with 2 protein shakes in there. [emoji23]
  7. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    Thanks man! I’ve been busting my ass trying to get there. [emoji23]
  8. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    Ok! New programming/diet phase/cycle starts TODAY! 266. I ate like an absolute gluttonous asshole all weekend. I’m talking 2 days of 6000 calories. So this starts with a light deload/detrain/neural phase. Everything today was RPE 6-7. SSB Squat 185x5x5 Incline DB press 70x2x5 Barbell row...
  9. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    Wrapped up the 8 week DC meso today. I’ll be better about logging this next 10 weeks. Cycle logs are more fun that fat old dude logs.
  10. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    My boy convinced me to try the mast. I’ve used var in the past.
  11. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    The injectable L-Carnitine is a double edged sword. Gives me that endurance boost to go balls out at the gym, but recovery…oof. I’m still sore from legs Monday, plus from upper yesterday. I love it
  12. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    Thank you!
  13. Swanson52

    Swanson52 Hypertrophy and Health

    This is my first mast run, but I think it should be manageable. The only thing I’ve ever gotten sides from, really, is dbol. I’m also a “minimum effective dose” guy, where at one point I was “there’s no trophy for highest total on lowest dose” guy. I’m getting soft in my old age.
  14. Swanson52

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    It’s a terrible cycle; I started lean (230’s), spent 15 years trying to get as big as I could (a fat 330), now I’ve spent 2 years trying to get small again. [emoji23]
  15. Swanson52

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    I thought I might be a bit taller. I’m only 6 or so pounds heavier, but you’re thicker.