Recent content by Superpippo

  1. Superpippo

    Help with blood tests please!

    I really appreciated your posts, you’re great internet bros, really thank you...I hope I’ll be better sooner or later.
  2. Superpippo

    Help with blood tests please!

    Any hints? What could I do? I was thinking about running a new cycle a couple of months ago, now I don’t think I could feel good.
  3. Superpippo

    Help with blood tests please!

    Did general routine a month ago at work, they are great.
  4. Superpippo

    Help with blood tests please!

    5 Waiting for free T in a couple of weeks. I eat really well (just caffeine abuse). I just got out of a bad relationship, but I don’t think it could Affect my morning feelings.
  5. Superpippo

    Help with blood tests please!

    Waiting for free T in a couple of weeks. I eat really well (just caffeine abuse). I just got out of a bad relationship, but I don’t think it could ruin my morning feelings.
  6. Superpippo

    Help with blood tests please!

    34 yo, only anabolic I used was Rpn Havoc about 6 years ago, did pct, no issues. Since september I felt my libido went very low, lost my morning wood, I had trouble during sex. So I decided to di blood tests (first time in my life) with this results: Testosterone: 726 (range 250-850) SHBG: 50...
  7. Superpippo

    Advice on Rpn havoc PCT

    Which dosage? I need something I can find on predatornutrition
  8. Superpippo

    Advice on Rpn havoc PCT

    Or you suggest another otc Ai I could use?
  9. Superpippo

    Advice on Rpn havoc PCT

    What about dosage of Pes erase? Starting week 3 until week 6 in pct I guess.
  10. Superpippo

    Advice on Rpn havoc PCT

    No one?
  11. Superpippo

    Advice on Rpn havoc PCT

    Hi guys many years ago I ran Havoc with great results. On pct I used Clomid 50-50-25-25 (4 weeks) and PES Erase starting on week 3 of PCT for 3-4 weeks. What do you thing about it? Is pPes erase still ok or you suggest something else? Can’t remember if I used something as cycle assist, what do...
  12. Superpippo

    To those have ran Epistane

    Nothing, just Havoc (and a great protein intake of course). Twice in about an year, same results.
  13. Superpippo

    To those have ran Epistane

    Ran Havoc twice, dosed it from 30 up to 50mg in 5 weeks. No sides at all except a bit of suppression last ten days of the cycle. Great results (2-3 kg gained, much leaner), great recovery.
  14. Superpippo

    Unanswered RPN Havoc...or something else?

    I’m 34, been lifting for about 10 years (just for fun, because I like it, never tried to compete or other). Now I’m 180cm for 80kg, about 12% bf. Lifting (3 reps) 160kg at squats, 90kg at bench press.
  15. Superpippo

    Unanswered RPN Havoc...or something else?

    Of course I’m not going to drink on havoc. And no, don’t want to use test or other injectables. My aim is 2-3 kg of good lean mass.