Slims's latest activity

  • Thank you! Great advice/help as always. Makes me want to run Epi-Andro even more knowing all of that.
  • @Smont already beat me to it, but no, that's not true at all. It depends on the harshness of a compound, the dosage of a compound, how/what that compound works off of, etc. There are...
  • I am going back about eight or so years ago with what I said/was told/taught, when the Clomid+Aromasin+Test Booster combo was recommended for every cycle. I'm guessing post cycle estrogen rebound...
  • No thats not true at all. Some ppl never get fully shutdown, some ppl can run tren with no pct and recover and others can use a sarm for 4 weeks and crush there hormones into the dirt. The reason...
  • I always thought, and was taught, that any exogenous hormones (AAS/Sarm/PH) meant full shutdown/suppression, and that there weren't various degrees dependant on compounds or dosages?
  • I haven't had any hairloss or libido problems whilst on Anabolic XT. The only negative side effect I've had is increased spots/acne, which I'm prone to anyway. I think visually noticable results...
  • Slims reacted to BCseacow83's post in the thread Phase2 with Like Like.
    IF you were able to block carb absorption, ie inhibit digestion, to any great degree I would think the "bathroom adventures" it would create would outweigh any benefits. A quality GDA would be...
  • Slims reacted to sns8778's post in the thread Phase2 with Like Like.
    In my opinion, it may be effective on a small amount of carbs but not one anything major. I would personally go with something like GlucoVantage XT or GlycoPhase to help me with more efficient...
  • Slims posted the thread Phase2 in Supplements.
    Is there any validity to Phase2 (Phaseolus vulgaris)/white kidney bean extract actually reducing the absorbtion of carbohydrates?
  • Slims replied to the thread Anabolic XT, Pepti-Plex and Recomp20.
    Recomp20 before meals... Does it have GDA benefits too?
  • Slims replied to the thread Anabolic XT, Pepti-Plex and Recomp20.
    For AXT I take three caps on empty/upon waking, with just water, and the other three caps with food/dinner about twelve hours later. For Recomp20 I take all four caps pre-workout on training days...
  • I got more from M-Test than Optimize-T. Bloodwork results... One Day Before Recomp20 Total Testosterone = 16.00nmol Four Weeks Into Recomp20 Total Testosterone = 19.80nmol Twelve weeks into...
  • Slims reacted to sns8778's post in the thread berberine vs dihydroberberine with Like Like.
    Thank you for sharing that information. That's awesome, and I'm so happy for you. I love the fitness side and helping provide products to help reach their goals, but I really love the aspect of...
  • Slims reacted to PolishHamm3r77's post in the thread berberine vs dihydroberberine with Like Like.
    You couldn’t be any more in the middle of the “normal” range. That’s awesome
  • Slims replied to the thread berberine vs dihydroberberine.
    Especially as everybody else (other than my younger sister) in my family, on both my mom's side and my dad's side, has diabetes.