SkRaw85's latest activity

  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Resolve10's post in the thread Hyde’s Strength Odyssey with Like Like.
    Ya I think people underestimate how nice it is to have a professional like that available. Not saying you should need to go to them all the time, but it’s super nice when something does happen to...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Dustin07's post in the thread Hyde’s Strength Odyssey with Like Like.
    yeah man that is absolutely a blessing. I have walked away from so many various experts in those fields over the years. As soon as they say something like "oh I don't think you should be doing...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 replied to the thread Hyde’s Strength Odyssey.
    I need to seek this out in my life. Sounds like a game changer
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Hyde's post in the thread Hyde’s Strength Odyssey with Like Like.
    He has been a big blessing, and he does not charge me anything - he takes whatever my insurance pays and voids the rest of it. He has so many patients that he doesn’t need to push the pay; it took...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Dustin07's post in the thread Hyde’s Strength Odyssey with Like Like.
    this actually makes a ton of sense to me Dude, that is awesome. I'm glad you have an ART who is so driven to see you excel beyond even your current best. So many people in these fields try to...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Hyde's post in the thread Hyde’s Strength Odyssey with Like Like.
    ART said my facet joint is fine, moving normally and inflammation seems minimal. He was able to loosen a ton of sticky spots all over my low back musculature and I felt much better after seeing...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 replied to the thread SkRaw85 Training Log.
    Alright, weigh ins tomorrow, then have to work the evening, squeeze in some sleep and showtime! As of right now for attempts I’m thinking: 170kg (374lbs) 185 (407) 195 (429) 3rd attempt will be...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 replied to the thread SkRaw85 Training Log.
    Their shipping was a bit slow to begin. Got in touch with them, somehow the orders got swapped
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Hyde's post in the thread SkRaw85 Training Log with Like Like.
    I’m due for more cushions soon, so good to know. Which is basically half the mask.
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Dustin07's post in the thread SkRaw85 Training Log with Like Like.
    I've been adopting the seated incline db curls at super light weight, maybe 25-30lb dbs lately and that extra stretch is hitting them real nice. sometimes if I feel myself reaching failure too...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Dustin07's post in the thread To Infinity.... and Beyond! with Like Like.
    no shirts allowed if you're over an A cup!
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Dustin07's post in the thread To Infinity.... and Beyond! with Like Like.
    Warm up Laterals, curls with 10lb plates Bench 20 x bar 15 x 95 3 x 135, 175, 205 1 x 230, 255, 270, 285 0 x 300 1 x 290 Slingshot 3 x 305 (probably reps PR?) 1 x 315 5 x 280 Raw 4 x 245 (3sec...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Segansational's post in the thread Segansational's Motivation Log with Like Like.
    At times, yes. Mostly being away from home and the logistics of coordinating child care, etc. Latter question was more related to sides/benefit particularly while self medicating/managing pain...
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 replied to the thread Segansational's Motivation Log.
    Man, sorry to hear. I’d personally drop the cycle at that point and let your body do its thing. Especially being a PH.
  • SkRaw85
    SkRaw85 reacted to Segansational's post in the thread Segansational's Motivation Log with Like Like.
    Also, have 7 days left of this LGD cycle. So, do I cut bait here? Or just ride it out even on maintenance / body weight / light exercises for the next week, and hope the extra androgens help with...