Recent content by ozarkaBRAND

  1. ozarkaBRAND

    Minimum dose of Masteron for estro control on 400mg of Test E?

    Thanks for input, dudes.
  2. ozarkaBRAND

    Minimum dose of Masteron for estro control on 400mg of Test E?

    Title says it all. What's the minimum dose you would use to keep estrogen at normal levels (just pre-cycle levels) while on 400mg Test E per week?
  3. ozarkaBRAND

    Talk sense into my parents!!! Go there and read up. The safety of creatine is well-documented, and multiple studies are linked. If you search around, you'll find the relevant info on protein as well, that it's safe. If reason and evidence fail to convince your folks, lie and...
  4. ozarkaBRAND

    Natural versus PH/Steroid

    Doesn't sound like you're ready.
  5. ozarkaBRAND

    ozarka's training log

    crazy day. started off with a widowmaker on squats. why would I do this? there's an online competition going on elsewhere, and I wanted the chance to win some free junk. we'll see if I get it! back squat: 19x225 back squat from pins (bottom position): 2x1x225 back squat from pins (top 1/4 of...
  6. ozarkaBRAND

    ozarka's training log

    it's been a little while since I updated this, here's one from today: conventional deadlift - 5x315 romanian deadlift - 8x285 back squat - 6,6x225, 8x185 barbell shrugs - 5x405, 10,8x315 'twas a pretty damn good day.
  7. ozarkaBRAND

    ozarka's training log

    Me too man. That's why I train it. Thanks for the sub. Will update as often as I can!
  8. ozarkaBRAND

    ozarka's training log

    In what sense is it like maxing on rear delt flyes? They're an isolation exercise, good mornings are a hugely compound movement. I could also get hurt from maxing on squat and deadlift variations, but that's not a good reason to avoid them.
  9. ozarkaBRAND

    ozarka's training log

    max effort bench day bench press - worked up to a set of 2x235, followed by 2x225, 3x210, 4x210, 4x210 close grip bench - 14x135, 9x135 kroc rows - 20x100, 18x100 (good god ya'll, I almost died) not a bad day, overall. wanted to get a rep or two more out of that set of 235. maybe next time...
  10. ozarkaBRAND

    a couple methyls, anabeta, and erase

  11. ozarkaBRAND

    a couple methyls, anabeta, and erase

    update bump: 2 x Erase ($25 each) 1 x Ultradrol ($30) 1 x Powerdrol-10 ($30) All are new and sealed. Shipping is $5 for priority mail. Pick up at least 2 items and shipping is free. PM if interested.
  12. ozarkaBRAND

    ozarka's training log

    max effort squat/deadlift high bar squat - worked up to a single at 275, then did 4 sets of 2 at 245. Really should've rested more between max effort attempts. Sold myself short by getting impatient between sets. romanian deadlift - 4 x 6 x 245 leg press - 2 x 15 x 210 romanian deadlift -...
  13. ozarkaBRAND

    ozarka's training log

    Took a few days off from updating this thing, but not from training. Here's what went down today: dynamic effort bench day medium grip bench - 135, 10x3, 30 seconds rest db bench - 50s, 3x10-15 kroc rows - 80x20,12,9 neutral grip pulldowns - 100x15,12 tricep pushdowns - 100x12, 80x15 overhead...
  14. ozarkaBRAND

    Anyone have positive non-surgical results fror puffy nipples?

    don't have any. sorry, no nipple pictures for you.
  15. ozarkaBRAND

    Excess Creatine?

    Creatine is effective and safe for pretty much everybody. Go here and read up.