Recent content by Lynks8

  1. Lynks8

    Anything new for sleep?

    RIP Amnes1a. Greatest sleep supp ever created.
  2. Lynks8

    EvoMuse BMP Writeup (UPDATED)

    It’s a fairly potent localized androgen. It will help in any of the aforementioned scenarios. Just be cognizant of the possibility for some of it to go systemic.
  3. Lynks8

    EvoMuse Presents: Slintensity 2023

    Anyone going to be using this as a normal GDA outside the post-workout window? I’m gonna go back and read the write-up in greater depth, but at a brief glance it seemed this is more tailored to post WO? I typically use a gda/nutrient-partioner with my lunch and then workout in the evening...
  4. Lynks8

    Olympus Labs Product Release & Request Thread

    @NoAddedHmones Sorry, been away for awhile. You still formulating for OL? If you’re the one putting these products together, I’ll try every one. Bloodshr3d was one of my favorite supps ever. A powdered fat burner would be A+. Also, Amnes1a was the single greatest sleep supplement I’ve ever...
  5. Lynks8

    Black Friday Sale (MA Labs)!!!

    Same. Wanna try Stage-3z and Insuligen.
  6. Lynks8

    EvoMuse Presents: TopMuscle™ (writeup)

    I never thought I’d see the day. Super excited for this! What’s the size of the bottle? Any difference in color/scent from the last version?
  7. Lynks8

    Best supplements to help improve endurance?

    Quick question for cardarine users: do you notice an acute/immediate benefit after 1 dose? Or is it something that needs multiple doses over several days/weeks to saturate before reaching peak efficacy? I personally love peakO2, but I have to use it consistently for at least a weak before it...
  8. Lynks8

    "Poop pill" could help make gains at the gym!

  9. Lynks8

    USA WTB: Evomuse TopMuscle

    Probably a long shot, but curious if anyone still has a bottle they're not using. Will buy partly used bottles as well. Let me know. Thanks!
  10. Lynks8

    Kat’s Flashpoint by Apex Alchemy Beta Log

  11. Lynks8

    There Once Was A Log, A Fat Scorching Log….(Sponsored by Apex Alchemy)

    Happy belated birthday man. Hope you had a good one.
  12. Lynks8

    Ursa Major / Flashpoint Log

    Looking forward to hearing how you're liking it so far.
  13. Lynks8

    Rocket's Got No Love For These Handes - FlashPoint Log

    Outback'll getcha. Can't not eat like a king. I make my own "GDA", but for a pre-made product, I did enjoy glycophase. Ursa and/or B-AET from Apex are both great products and would no doubt assist with cutting/recomp. I love Ursa especially. Best natty product I've used in a long time.
  14. Lynks8

    Lynks8 Attempts To Incinerate His Spare Tire with Apex Alchemy's Flashpoint!

    Also, dinner the other day. I don't normally take pics of my food, but saw some other loggers doing it, so I figured I'd join in the fun. Chicken Pesto Panini (ok, not technically a panini since I'm not fancy and don't have a panini press, but you get the idea).
  15. Lynks8

    Lynks8 Attempts To Incinerate His Spare Tire with Apex Alchemy's Flashpoint!

    Week 3-3.5 update: I have been cutting for ~1.5 weeks now and am down 1 lb. This is slightly faster than what I wanted (~.5lb/week), so I'll be a little more careful and possibly add a few extra carbs post-workout. I am going to do everything I can to hold on to my muscle this time. Cutting...