Recent content by digitalpimp

  1. digitalpimp

    Ment (trestolone)

    My first impressions of trest ace are great. I'm 8 days in at 25 mg per day and I'm up 7 pounds already. Weights are going up in the gym, and I feel like I can definitely workout longer. 12.5 mg eod aromasin seems to be keeping estrogen under control for now
  2. digitalpimp

    Ment (trestolone)

    Reading this thread has got me really wanting to try injectable trest. Are you guys buying from research chem sites? I've seen it on a couple of RC sites but none that I've dealt with before. I live in the US
  3. digitalpimp

    Ment (trestolone)

    Olympus Labs
  4. digitalpimp

    Ment (trestolone)

    My last cycle was Dermatr3st, oral Tr3st preworkout, and some 1 andro. I gained 15 pounds in 6 weeks and assumed that 1 andro did most of it but now I'm beginning to wonder. Lol Great info here guys!
  5. digitalpimp

    Hastur's Journey - SUP3R-11/SUP3R-EPI/SUP3R-4/SUP3R-1/TR3ST Log (Sponsored)

    I agree with this completely!
  6. digitalpimp

    EC in PCT

    I've used it in PCT just so I can eat more calories and keep my gains. I feel like it worked well for me
  7. digitalpimp

    Ghrp 2,6 Semorelin

    Sounds like you have a pretty cool doctor. Lol
  8. digitalpimp


  9. digitalpimp

    Does anyone still make dmz or msten

    Keeping a very close eye on this thread!
  10. digitalpimp

    Side effects after 3 days on 1-andro

    Are you still using the test booster now?
  11. digitalpimp

    Side effects after 3 days on 1-andro

    3 days of 1-andro wouldn't have done much. Which test booster did you use?
  12. digitalpimp

    Does anyone still make dmz or msten

    Excited to hear this! I can always stock up on more DMZ and MSten
  13. digitalpimp

    Best AI while on Trest

    ^^^^ That's hilarious! Lol
  14. digitalpimp

    Best AI while on Trest

    My next cycle I'm gonna see how well Super Epi will help control estrogen sides. Never done Tr3st before, will have Exemestane on hand too.
  15. digitalpimp

    Superdrol is BACK - What does the new formula look like? BRAND NEW PROHORMONE

    Very interested in this!