cruze1911r1's latest activity

  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread help me.
    Also, if you're only a few weeks in on cyp you're probably just starting to reach saturation. How frequently are you pinning?
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread help me.
    High androgen load can cause it. It can also be compound specific. For example, I had horrible anxiety on superdrol. Test, anadrol and mastron have all been good so far. Even if you don't "feel"...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread How does everyone react to primo?.
    Also, pinning lower doses more frequently as opposed to one or two shots per week can make a difference in e2 spikes. Daily pinning is ideal even on trt but it can be a hassle. The more...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 reacted to Smont's post in the thread How does everyone react to primo? with Like Like.
    Your on so little testosterone that it seems any amount of primo crashes it. So theres 3 options, drop primo, raise testosterone till you find the right balance or try something otc for estrogen
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread Non methylated ph vs methylated ph.
    1 and 4 andro are suppressive. Epiandro can be depending on the person and dosage. Any exogenous hormone product can be suppressive. Basically if you want to be able to recover with otc ptc then...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread How to reduce load size.
    True, if I crank one out earlier in the day it'll reduce volume later. The trouble with that is if it's too close to go time my boner quality might be affected. I'm on cialis tho so maybe I'd be fine.
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 reacted to PhantomReaper's post in the thread How to reduce load size with Haha Haha.
    Age I think is another factor..could just be me.. Not a conversation I want to be Z...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 posted the thread How to reduce load size in Nutrition / Health.
    Probably the opposite of what you'd expect to hear asked but hey, here we are. I've had a vasectomy, I've been on test for over a year and am currently on a 560mg cycle with a small dose (25mg...
  • cruze1911r1
    @sns8778 how would this go with guys on test? Seems like it would pair well with the strength gain attribute
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread Npp experiences.
    I had a similar experience. Running 200mg npp with 500mg test, I puffed out, just kind of a watered up mess. My physique changed for the worse. I swear I felt like I was getting smaller while my...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 reacted to mxrider28's post in the thread Npp experiences with Like Like.
    I’ve found npp to work well. Good clean gains. I’ll run 300-400mg a week along with 500-750 test. Npp has a short half life and should be pinned every other day. Some guys will have prolactin...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 posted the thread Npp experiences in Anabolics.
    I'm curious on the different individual responses to npp. What were your results at what dose? How much test did you run with it?
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 reacted to sns8778's post in the thread Arimistane with Like Like.
    Muscle Addiction Eradicate-E is a very popular product overall, and is this ingredient. In general, this ingredient tends to work a lot better for some than for others in terms of estrogen...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread Caffeine sensitivity or something else.
    Are you running any gear? For me, when I started test, my sensitivity to caffeine went up. I used to be able to have a cup of coffee in the evening and be able to sleep. After going on gear I had...
  • cruze1911r1
    cruze1911r1 replied to the thread First Test cycle at 34.
    First cycle should be test only. Forget all the other crap. Getting the most from the least is the best plan. Personally I started my first cycle at 350mg and ended at 560mg pinning 80mg daily...