Recent content by Boss_K

  1. Upcoming Cutter/Recomp Cycle...

    I am eating fairly clean, just not clean like a bb should be eating. I agree with you guys though, juice doesnt take the place of diet. I need to be at least 4 weeks in to a good routine and diet before I start any type of cycle. Jay, there is no way that I could run tren for 12 weeks. I...
  2. benching for tall guys

    Full ROM. 6'5" here with my record best of 275lbs lean. 365x1 on bench 495x4 on deads. I know, I know....small legs.
  3. Upcoming Cutter/Recomp Cycle...

    Okay I have not done any gear or even worked out for quite some time due to some medical issues (non aas related). I am looking to do a cycle and jumpstart my way back in to the brotherhood of swole. I need to loose about 50 lbs of fat and dont need to gain any muscle, just maintain. Right...
  4. Steroid for cutting bf

    Tren, hands down.
  5. Calling SRoberts and Other Experts -"THE PRO-BB GUT"

    Long-term anabolics, gh, slin use/abuse will most definitely cause your internal organs to grow. I recall the autopsy of a strongman where doctors said that a normal man of his proportions 6'6" 300 lbs would have a 500 gram heart and his was 800 grams. Please don't quote me on the numbers but...
  6. Taste in your mouth when u pin...

    Don't worry, its very common and you are probably just sensitive to all the solvents in your gear. It is more common with underground gear as opposed to pharm gear.
  7. short t3 run

    You are going to need to up the dosage if you are looking for good results. Just be sure you ramp up the dose as opposed to just jumping up to 100 mcg.
  8. Starting over after 3 years...

    Honestly, I have been out of the game so long that I will have to use low weight. Certain exercises, mostly pushing, irritates the crap out of my bad hand. I know how to diet. I have went from 307 to 209 in about 20 months. Then from 209 up to 275 in about 20 more months. My favorite cardio...
  9. Starting over after 3 years...

    In 2005 I graduated college at a very impressive and very lean 250 lbs. Medical problems have made it very hard to lift so I have pretty much given it up as of now. I need help in deciding a way to get back in shape. I am currently 26 yrs old and weighing in at about 275, not lean and not...
  10. Cracklin' Oat Bran

    I love it, and trader joes has their own label too. Its even better.
  11. 1-test cyp/sledge test ?'s

    Make sure the powder hasn't fallen out of solution and pin it. I hear that 1tcyp hurts like a mofo though....good luck! I'll try it if you don't want to!
  12. stanozolol - counterfeit or legit?

    I would try splittin it up. And yes, you would get the same or better results.
  13. HCG amp question

    Save it for next time!
  14. How do you Inject?

    I draw with a 22 or 23 and pin with a 23 or 25. I don't draw with a bigger pin because I used to use 20g and it was tearing up the stopper on my 20ml vials and I was getting bits of rubber in my syringe.
  15. Liftbiggetbig: 10 Bold Base: 1

    i dont know about bold base but bold prop is known for its flulike effects and prop just hurts anyways. try working the muscle an hr or so after u pin.