Recent content by Basso

  1. Basso

    Article: Defending Crossfit

    I think this is right on the money, crossfit is reigniting fitness for a lot of people. It's got flaws but I would encourage anyone who thinks its a joke to try a couple WODs before you speak too loudly. The key to having a successful crossfit experience is to learn before doing. If you don't...
  2. Basso

    I cant lose fat!

    lol, all that cardio talk makes my head spin too! I prefer to do my cardio between the sheets!
  3. Basso

    Calories for cutting

    Exactly, if you keep going into large deficits by not accounting for exercise you'll slow your progress, sounds backwards but your body will defend itself against starvation and the less you give it the more it will fight.
  4. Basso

    Calories for cutting

    Depending on your lifestyle (normal activity level) your maintenance calories are probably 3000 or higher. If it is 3000 then dropping to 2000 should yield a loss of 2 lbs a week, if you add cardio etc then even more. You really need to nail down your Maint cals and work from there. If you go...
  5. Basso

    Calories for cutting

    Do a weekend reefed, heck go to maint for a week and give your body a couple of days off, then go back at it. If you don't know what your maint cal is then all your doing is pointless, once your done where will you go? 2000 is pretty low for someone over 200lbs, what is your lbm?
  6. Basso

    help choosing diet

    Just a quick response to maybe help you get started, 1. theeboz is correct diet is #1, 2. 40lbs in 2 months??? is a bit aggressive, 1-2lbs per week is a fairly safe number to shoot for, you need to decide what you want to do, it sounds like you want to bulk and you've thrown in a quick cut...
  7. Basso

    Cant not drop a single pound, what am i doing wrong?

    The article quoted is some pretty old school stuff, athletes have moved into more HIIT based routines for the past several years. To me the proof is in the pudding. Compare a Marathon runner and a Sprinter, immediate conclusions are that both forms of running burn fat but only one burns...
  8. Basso

    Cant not drop a single pound, what am i doing wrong?

    Jump rope, sprinting, combination of body weight movements that will jack your HR up like burpees, you can get creative and do different work outs everyday so you don't get sick of one. If you have a bike that is my favorite, rolling hills...sprint up...recover down, repeat till you fall off.
  9. Basso

    Cant not drop a single pound, what am i doing wrong?

    2500 sounds a lot better for you, and I agree that your spending way to much time in the gym, mix up HIIT with steady cardio, I like to do HIIT on non-workout days because I'm not so shot from the workout, then do about 30 min of low intensity on workout days, just depends on how you feel, if...
  10. Basso

    Cant not drop a single pound, what am i doing wrong?

    Relax it's just my opinion, like I said some people may be able to adjust to that. When I hit 10% I do some crazy diets to get below that but I can't maintain those diets with work, family etc. You have to do what works for you...long term, that is all I'm saying and Theeboz is just starting...
  11. Basso

    Cant not drop a single pound, what am i doing wrong?

    If you really want to lose weight you need to track every calorie you take in, some people can cut out soda and lose ten lbs, folks like you and I though have to take weight lose a little more serious if we want to see success. You need to determine how many calories you need everyday (google...
  12. Basso

    Test powder order

    I heard no confirmation if ordered via paypal, rest easy though I ordered mine via paypal and received the package yesterday.
  13. Basso

    intermittent fasting

    Yikes, weighing every day is a good way to get discouraged fast, your body is going to vary based on water weight etc, I would limit weigh-ins to once a week at the most, it's hard but stay off the scale, then at one week when you see 1lb or 2 gone it will keep you motivated, anyway the mirror...
  14. Basso

    USPlabs Test Powder™ Giveaway // Try it BEFORE you can buy it!!

    Test Powder kit arrived today, it will be awhile before I can give it a whirl I'm in the middle of a cut but looking forward to it!
  15. Basso

    Please help me lose weight, help with supplements

    Google Harris-Benedict Equation and figure out what your cal intake, replace some of those carbs with protein, protein will fill you up more and will assist with transforming your body. Try to take in 25-50grams of protein with each meal. For dinner, and this is tough just say no, when I get...