SNS Amentoflavone XT - Now Available!


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No concrete ETA on it. But women will be able to take a low dose of Libido Boost XT and I'm guessing tentative ETA on that of hopefully January. Labels are done; we just have a lot of things in front of it.
Would my wife benefit from optimize t?


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Would my wife benefit from optimize t?
She would likely see a libido increase from it, but Optimize-T is pretty strong so if you had her try it, I wouldn't have her go over 2 caps per day.

One of the supplements that we get the best feedback on from women and libido is actually Stress & Anxiety Support, because stress is one of the biggest reasons that a female's libido will decrease (that and hormones).


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She would likely see a libido increase from it, but Optimize-T is pretty strong so if you had her try it, I wouldn't have her go over 2 caps per day.

One of the supplements that we get the best feedback on from women and libido is actually Stress & Anxiety Support, because stress is one of the biggest reasons that a female's libido will decrease (that and hormones).
She’s currently taking 600mg of KSM66 and it’s not really doing much…I’ve given her small doses of ostarine and rad before and it makes her like a dog in heat but it’s obviously not something I want her to consistently have to do. Looked at so many different ingredients but reviews are all over the place.


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The issue with giving a female something like Ostarine or Rad to help increase libido is that while it may increase it for a short time when they're on it, it can make it be lower than before when they stop.

For women, the two most common reasons for lower libido are usually stress and hormones.

With the female libido product, we will address both aspects.

Optimize-T, I think 2 caps per day would be okay for her to take. I've also seen some females that have really liked Alpha Gel at 2 ml per day. Stress & Anxiety Support has gotten a lot of great feedback from women for helping libido, which makes sense in the cases where stress was their biggest factor making it go down.


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Does amentoflavone have any accumulative effects/benefits? I picked up three bottles of Amentoflavone XT and am wondering how best to use it...
2/3 caps pre-workout on workout days only?
1 cap with food three times per day every day?


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Does amentoflavone have any accumulative effects/benefits? I picked up three bottles of Amentoflavone XT and am wondering how best to use it...
2/3 caps pre-workout on workout days only?
1 cap with food three times per day every day?
I am definitely a fan of daily use on it because it does have cumulative effects, but especially in that it has a lot of overall health benefits that would be found with daily use, but not with using it sporadically.


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Should have added that I'm using/taking Amentoflavone XT for it's strength enhancing benefits


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Should have added that I'm using/taking Amentoflavone XT for it's strength enhancing benefits
I think that there is a cumulative benefit for both its endurance and strength benefits.


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I think that there is a cumulative benefit for both its endurance and strength benefits.
Taken amentoflavone my last 3 workouts with my other pre's. 3 caps. The mind to muscle connection hit overdrive! Focus is insane. Not to sound hyperbolic but the feeling is close to euphoric. It's like the body and mind are in unison. It's like being jacked but not stimmed out jacked. This stuff is real. Only previously used it for erections. Glad I re-read threads on this site. Knowledge is power. Thanks Steve for all your knowledge you share.


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Taken amentoflavone my last 3 workouts with my other pre's. 3 caps. The mind to muscle connection hit overdrive! Focus is insane. Not to sound hyperbolic but the feeling is close to euphoric. It's like the body and mind are in unison. It's like being jacked but not stimmed out jacked. This stuff is real. Only previously used it for erections. Glad I re-read threads on this site. Knowledge is power. Thanks Steve for all your knowledge you share.
I just started taking it this week and I'm getting a similar effect. My workouts have been more intense and the pump is crazy! Another killer product by Steve! 👍


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I highly recommend amentoflavone as a pre-workout. Wished I'd known about it sooner. Pumps are more intense. Hat tip to Steve and SNS.


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When I was a rep for SAN years ago, I requested they look into putting amentoflavone into their pre-workout, SAN Fierce Domination. They got some amemtoflavone, and sent me samples with and without it. It had a clear effect on strength and endurance, but I haven't played around with it much until now.

I picked up a bottle of amentoflavone xt, and I've been using 2 caps before kettlebells, one before bjj, and it's awesome. Pumps are outrageous, performance is great. It's cheap, effective, and actually healthy. Amazing payoff for a single ingredient.


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When I was a rep for SAN years ago, I requested they look into putting amentoflavone into their pre-workout, SAN Fierce Domination. They got some amemtoflavone, and sent me samples with and without it. It had a clear effect on strength and endurance, but I haven't played around with it much until now.

I picked up a bottle of amentoflavone xt, and I've been using 2 caps before kettlebells, one before bjj, and it's awesome. Pumps are outrageous, performance is great. It's cheap, effective, and actually healthy. Amazing payoff for a single ingredient.
100% agree on all of this. One of my favorites. I ran out a couple weeks ago and been hurting. More should be arriving before my next heavy lifting session at the end of the week.


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When I was a rep for SAN years ago, I requested they look into putting amentoflavone into their pre-workout, SAN Fierce Domination. They got some amemtoflavone, and sent me samples with and without it. It had a clear effect on strength and endurance, but I haven't played around with it much until now.

I picked up a bottle of amentoflavone xt, and I've been using 2 caps before kettlebells, one before bjj, and it's awesome. Pumps are outrageous, performance is great. It's cheap, effective, and actually healthy. Amazing payoff for a single ingredient.
agree amento is pretty bad asss .. cant wait to jump back on it myself.


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Is there any reason to use it on on off days, or should it just be used before workouts?


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Is there any reason to use it on on off days, or should it just be used before workouts?
alot of companies do in preworkout .. i think you will notice more with everyday use for longer period of time.

more then just pumps .. erection/libido/strength

same thing you see with beatine/beta-alaine .. instead of just pre i always felt should be used longer period and everyday use.
i believe it was even studied to improve neuro functionality too


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Nice! Thank you. I get a strong effect from one dose, so it definitely doesn't need long term use to enjoy the effects.


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I think it depends on what benefits you want to get out of amento.

I really enjoyed the inclusion of amento in things like the old fat burner Norcodrene for various benefits.

I like some daily because I personally notice some mood benefits and it seems to help me with fat loss when I am in that phase of training. If you just want pretty much the acute workout effects then you could just dose pre or you could do like a single cap daily and double up on training days.


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Is there any reason to use it on on off days, or should it just be used before workouts?
Amentoflavone XT can be used daily for improved erection quality, cardiovascular health, and endothelial health. It actually has some really good studies on it for neuroprotective properties as well.


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Amentoflavone XT can be used daily for improved erection quality, cardiovascular health, and endothelial health. It actually has some really good studies on it for neuroprotective properties as well.
I also saw some interesting anti-cancer effects, including skin cancer, which is relevant to me since I just had treatments for precancerous lesions.


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I also saw some interesting anti-cancer effects, including skin cancer, which is relevant to me since I just had treatments for precancerous lesions.
I've seen some of those as well and they look very, very promising. We just have to be very careful as a company to never really mention that type of thing bc of how the FDA is about that.

There are also some really great studies on Apigenin and that as well.


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I also saw some interesting anti-cancer effects, including skin cancer, which is relevant to me since I just had treatments for precancerous lesions.
you are correct .. like sns stated due to the regulations cant really talk much or advertise anything .. nor no company should
but will say there are alot of public studies out there for this even fighting covid i believe

national gov site >

and just type in amentoflavone


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Well I just dropped $5k on blue light therapy for my face, and used flourouracil (chemo creme) twice on my scalp, I'm interested in anything that can help keep this nonsense at bay.


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I mean that benefit is listed on the write up. 😉

Amento and s a PDE inhibitor so there’s lots of benefits that come from that kind of pathway.


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I may have to try this haha. Or at least pay more attention for when I do take it PWO and get lucky later that night!
I've used sildenafil before and the amentoflavone-xt I feel works better for me. It's definitely worth giving it a shot for male enhancement.

max silver

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Can this be taken with food? I have a small meal about 30 minutes before my workout and I'd like to take the recommended 2 cap dose at this time.


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Amentoflavone XT - Memorial Day Sale & Special Offer:

Amentoflavone XT-FlashSale-MemorialDay.png

We added discounted Amentoflavone XT multi-packs to the website for this sale.

SNS - Save 20% to 30% Off:
  • Save 20% off of any purchase - coupon code: memorialday20
  • Save 30% off on any purchase of 500.00+ - coupon code: memorialday30
Amentoflavone XT:
  • Regular Price: 32.99
  • 20% Off Price: 26.39 (save 6.60)
  • 30% Off Price: 23.09 (save 9.90)

Amentoflavone XT - 3 Bottle Multi-Pack:
  • Regular Price: 89.99 (saves 8.98)
  • 20% Off Price: 71.99 (save an additional 18.00 for a total savings of 26.98)
  • 30% Off Price: 62.99 (save an additional 27.00 for a total savings of 35.98)

Amentoflavone XT - 6 Bottle Multi-Pack:
  • Regular Price: 169.99 (saves 27.95)
  • 20% Off Price: 135.99 (save an additional 34.00 for a total savings of 61.95)
  • 30% Off Price: 118.99 (save an additional 51.00 for a total savings of 78.95)

Amentoflavone XT - 12 Bottle Multi-Pack:
  • Regular Price: 319.99 (save 75.89)
  • 20% Off Price: 255.99 (save an additional 64.00 for a total savings of 139.89)
  • 30% Off Price: 223.99 (save an additional 96.00 for a total savings of 171.89)


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Has anyone tried stacking this with cistanche? I love amentoflavone by itself and stacked with kanna (for the mood and energy effects). In the near future I'm going to try taking it with polygala (instead of kanna) to see if that's even better. I have some cistanche coming and am curious as to how it would stack with amentoflavone (and possibly kanna or polygala too).


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Has anyone tried stacking this with cistanche? I love amentoflavone by itself and stacked with kanna (for the mood and energy effects). In the near future I'm going to try taking it with polygala (instead of kanna) to see if that's even better. I have some cistanche coming and am curious as to how it would stack with amentoflavone (and possibly kanna or polygala too).
I’ve stacked with AXT that has Cistanche (and have used other products with Cistanche and Amentoflavone in the past). Very good combo for mood, energy, strength and endurance.

I don’t have any Amentoflavone on hand but currently using Polygala and bet they’d combine quite well.


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I’ve stacked with AXT that has Cistanche (and have used other products with Cistanche and Amentoflavone in the past). Very good combo for mood, energy, strength and endurance.

I don’t have any Amentoflavone on hand but currently using Polygala and bet they’d combine quite well.
Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.


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Has anyone tried stacking this with cistanche? I love amentoflavone by itself and stacked with kanna (for the mood and energy effects). In the near future I'm going to try taking it with polygala (instead of kanna) to see if that's even better. I have some cistanche coming and am curious as to how it would stack with amentoflavone (and possibly kanna or polygala too).
I've stacked Amentoflavone XT with things that had Cistanche in them, like Anabolic XT. I think that makes for a great stack, and think Cistanche XT would make a good stack with it too.

Polygala has some great benefits and I just started taking it myself and am liking it, but I will say its not a substitute for KannaEase or at least not for me. Great product, but different.

Polygala XT I've seen increased productivity and feeling zoned in like I have to get things done, and it has great neuroprotective properties.

KannaEase helps me with stress and anxiety, and it helps me feel like I don't get overwhelmed as easily and like I can power through things when I am.

I remember that we share some common issues, so I wanted to detail that out for you.

You could definitely stack KannaEase and Polygala XT and Amentoflavone XT. That stack has great neuroprotective potential. A lot of people overlook that aspect of Amentoflavone XT.


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I've stacked Amentoflavone XT with things that had Cistanche in them, like Anabolic XT. I think that makes for a great stack, and think Cistanche XT would make a good stack with it too.

Polygala has some great benefits and I just started taking it myself and am liking it, but I will say its not a substitute for KannaEase or at least not for me. Great product, but different.

Polygala XT I've seen increased productivity and feeling zoned in like I have to get things done, and it has great neuroprotective properties.

KannaEase helps me with stress and anxiety, and it helps me feel like I don't get overwhelmed as easily and like I can power through things when I am.

I remember that we share some common issues, so I wanted to detail that out for you.

You could definitely stack KannaEase and Polygala XT and Amentoflavone XT. That stack has great neuroprotective potential. A lot of people overlook that aspect of Amentoflavone XT.
Thank you very much for the response. I'll definitely stick with the KannaEase then since I really need that help with stress and anxiety. I previously commented that the kanna increased my anxiety a bit at the start (which is why I took it with l-theanine) but that has since stopped and now I just get the greatly reduced anxiety. However, sometime's I can get a little sleepy on it (roughly 6-8 hours later). So, the amentoflavone has been helping with that, while also increasing my mood. Based on the info you provided, I'll try adding the polygala to the kanna (and likely the amentoflavone too) to see if that helps with work productivity (staying focused during work has always been very difficult).


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Thank you very much for the response. I'll definitely stick with the KannaEase then since I really need that help with stress and anxiety. I previously commented that the kanna increased my anxiety a bit at the start (which is why I took it with l-theanine) but that has since stopped and now I just get the greatly reduced anxiety. However, sometime's I can get a little sleepy on it (roughly 6-8 hours later). So, the amentoflavone has been helping with that, while also increasing my mood. Based on the info you provided, I'll try adding the polygala to the kanna (and likely the amentoflavone too) to see if that helps with work productivity (staying focused during work has always been very difficult).
I haven't noticed any sleepiness with KannaEase myself, but we're all different in the way that changes in neurotransmitters effect us, and I struggle with chronic tiredness anyway liked to my autoimmune condition and probably antagonized by anxiety and depression.

Polygala XT is interesting in that its an herb that most people report feeling better mood wise when using it and some people say they can actually feel it kick in and notice a mental boost from it. Most things that give most people a mental boost, I don't feel so I wasn't expecting to fall into that category, but was pleasantly surprised that I can tell. It's not like an energy product kicking in, its just that I notice a more in the zone and dialed in feeling after taking it.


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I haven't noticed any sleepiness with KannaEase myself, but we're all different in the way that changes in neurotransmitters effect us, and I struggle with chronic tiredness anyway liked to my autoimmune condition and probably antagonized by anxiety and depression.

Polygala XT is interesting in that its an herb that most people report feeling better mood wise when using it and some people say they can actually feel it kick in and notice a mental boost from it. Most things that give most people a mental boost, I don't feel so I wasn't expecting to fall into that category, but was pleasantly surprised that I can tell. It's not like an energy product kicking in, its just that I notice a more in the zone and dialed in feeling after taking it.
Your description for polygala xt sounds perfect and exactly what I need. Thank you for taking the time to provide all the info.


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At this point I might be a bit lucky how hard Polygala hits me, but I get a serious mood and energy boost.

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