Enclomiphene + Letrozole for SARM PCT


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Im 17 my growth plates are still open I have done 3 sarm cycles in the past and am currently on 5mg ED and bumping it up to 10mgED for the last 2 weeks of the cycle (6 week length) Post my prior cycles I felt fine without pct until the third where I used a AI and test booster which did the job of recovering my Test. I still have been growing and cycle mk677 fairly often at high dosages and have not experienced side effects, no side effects with LGD. SERMs prematurely close growth plates because of their estrogen, if I take enclmoiphene with a AI, could the AI mitigate certain estrogen side effects like enclos closure of growth plates? Don't give me heat because im 17 im just trying to find a proper PCT and mitigate certain effects you can get with traditional PCT (SERMS) Thanks.


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You're taking 5mgs of LGD? I am not even sure that you should use a SERM. Maybe someone else would be able to shine some light here but that seems like s small dose for a cycle to me. And I would definitely not advise taking letro as it absolutely crushes my estrogen, which is something you don't want. It's a great AI but horrible for really controlling estrogen.

I would rethink your way of cycling. Personally, I would suggest not cycling at all because a favorable risk/reward profile isn't there right now. However, I realize how stubborn children are and that we aren't going to change your mind. Regardless, you can't toe the line in this game. You're either in or out. 5mg of LGD might suppress your natural test but it might not provide any benefit. Suppressing test, jacking up lipids and liver values, etc., for an underdosed anabolic isn't just unhealthy but might even have the opposite effect on your progress.

At your age, I would get blood work done towards the end of the cycle to see if you really need a SERM. The fact that you don't feel any side effects could mean your cycle is underdosed, the product is bunk/underdosed, or you're experiencing side effects that aren't felt but will be seen through your blood work.


New member
You're taking 5mgs of LGD? I am not even sure that you should use a SERM. Maybe someone else would be able to shine some light here but that seems like s small dose for a cycle to me. And I would definitely not advise taking letro as it absolutely crushes my estrogen, which is something you don't want. It's a great AI but horrible for really controlling estrogen.

I would rethink your way of cycling. Personally, I would suggest not cycling at all because a favorable risk/reward profile isn't there right now. However, I realize how stubborn children are and that we aren't going to change your mind. Regardless, you can't toe the line in this game. You're either in or out. 5mg of LGD might suppress your natural test but it might not provide any benefit. Suppressing test, jacking up lipids and liver values, etc., for an underdosed anabolic isn't just unhealthy but might even have the opposite effect on your progress.

At your age, I would get blood work done towards the end of the cycle to see if you really need a SERM. The fact that you don't feel any side effects could mean your cycle is underdosed, the product is bunk/underdosed, or you're experiencing side effects that aren't felt but will be seen through your blood work.
Thanks for the reply, any AI you'd recommend other than letrozole for testosterone increase? I have seen very substantial gains in strength and mass at 5mg, I gained 6 pounds of muscle with minimal body fat last cycle. Any test boosters or PCT you'd recommend? I know a lot of the PCTs sold online for PH cycles work for some peoples' SARM cycles too. I have ordered all of my LGD and MK-677 from Chemyo.


New member
Thanks for the reply, any AI you'd recommend other than letrozole for testosterone increase? I have seen very substantial gains in strength and mass at 5mg, I gained 6 pounds of muscle with minimal body fat last cycle. Any test boosters or PCT you'd recommend? I know a lot of the PCTs sold online for PH cycles work for some peoples' SARM cycles too. I have ordered all of my LGD and MK-677 from Chemyo.
Just stop this entire project bro or you'll come back here in 5 years with TRT questions. Get labs, use a serm or ai to recover if necessary, then enjoy your youth


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Thanks for the reply, any AI you'd recommend other than letrozole for testosterone increase? I have seen very substantial gains in strength and mass at 5mg, I gained 6 pounds of muscle with minimal body fat last cycle. Any test boosters or PCT you'd recommend? I know a lot of the PCTs sold online for PH cycles work for some peoples' SARM cycles too. I have ordered all of my LGD and MK-677 from Chemyo.
If you decided for an OTC AI, then something like Virtus or Arimahex. I don't know much about LGD but 5mgs sounds like a light dose for it, so can't really say how suppressed your test is without blood work. If it's possible to get blood work done then I would do that and then decide. At least that's what I would do if I was in this situation. Although I didn't start using gear until my 30s.


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Just stop this entire project bro or you'll come back here in 5 years with TRT questions. Get labs, use a serm or ai to recover if necessary, then enjoy your youth
We all know this would be the best option but it won't happen. But at least get blood work done if possible so you can make an educated decision.
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