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  1. EpiStrong

    HELP! What Dose of Tirzepatide is needed

    If ugl I'd go to a forum that is for them. I know of a few where they've delved deep and found the correct clicks it takes when bought from them. You definitely don't want to take too much if just starting off
  2. EpiStrong

    HELP! What Dose of Tirzepatide is needed

  3. EpiStrong

    Diesel Test Hardcore

    SNS has a very comprehensive line. Steve is active here and a good guy. @sns8778 His line is great because if you want individual ingredients you can "build" your own supplement
  4. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here?? Here's a custom box. Just depends on what you want to spend. That one is crazy expensive just an example they do make car specific ones if you search You can also learn to fiberglass and resin. Even odd shapes have a cu ft measurement..... if you're not...
  5. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here??

    Larger subs get deeper bass. Truthfully unless you want the boom. An 8 inch quality sub will sound better than a 12 if space is an issue and you can't match the cu ft. In the car audio field this is called spl vs sq aka boom vs sound quality. It's all up to your preference and what you prefer...
  6. EpiStrong

    Best PCT for Prohormone Stack? Im bout to start a cycle on Swiss Megadrol

    I've just always seen serms as a half dose halfway through cycle. I didn't make it up is usually in every non trt cycle though. So you would just run serms the same dose the entire pct?
  7. EpiStrong

    How is the cycle layout

    If you're dead set on front loading put your dose into a steroid calc to see your dose regime, ie 2x weekly, daily, etc and how the dose will fluctuate. I just saw you're on week 6... ya just do what you want now lmao
  8. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here??

    You've Peaked my interest since I use to love this stuff lol. On the spec sheet it should say max x.x cu ft, min x.x cu ft. Try to match that with your allotted space and you'll get the most bang for your buck if you're looking for sound quality not just boom
  9. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here??

    When you say muffled, would the sub touch anything when playing? The speaker needs to flex but there is no problem putting it hidden under something. You could also buy some cheap sound deadening off Amazon and take away any rattling while you have it open
  10. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here??

    You're lucky they stopped their Herman kardon fiber optic upgrades... just added frustration with Mercedes installing anything extra
  11. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here??

    My pioneer screen from 5 years ago has more functionality than any today. More voltage at the outputs more equalizer settings, more stock rms. Times have changed.... and this screen was 300 dollars more.
  12. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here??

    I haven't bought any cardio for about 5 years expect backup cameras and a pioneer touchscreen on the f350 I recently installed. I use to love sundown audio. Their Korean made amps and subs with huge magnets were awesome. Covid and the problem with getting circut boards has changed many companies...
  13. EpiStrong

    Any car audio buffs here??

    Look into your enclosure. Try to match your sub with the space it has. Manufacture recommendations will be on the spec sheet. A larger sub or smaller sub in a too large or too small enclosure will not hit certain tones correctly.
  14. EpiStrong

    Best PCT for Prohormone Stack? Im bout to start a cycle on Swiss Megadrol

    True but at a higher dose the half life is longer. Less is more in some situations but this is just standard bro science regimes I didn't make them but have followed them with success.. I wouldn't taper anabolics unless I was slowly going UP to access sides... kinda why I do not like kick starts...
  15. EpiStrong

    Clomid while on TrT

    I'm just saying in comparison to clomid, Enclomiphene is usually better handled... if its real. I've talked to why chase iron incorporated it into his regime in the start, he no longer is, and it was due to fertility. I don't care about fertility so I haven't delved into it but others are...
  16. EpiStrong

    Clomid while on TrT

    Only time I've heard of clomid while on trt is for fertility.. enclomiphene is usually preferred
  17. EpiStrong

    Composite Decking

    Just if you wanted a cheaper possibly more beneficial option try the lumber yard. I love older buildings. We're in the same boat where a 2x4 was truly 2 inch by 4 inch...
  18. EpiStrong

    Composite Decking

    I have a dock as well that gets beat with high winds. If you have a lumber yard I would try to get your treated wood from there. Supposedly the lumber from big box stores have less treated penetration, I may remember the term incorrectly. This is told from the yard but their prices were no more...
  19. EpiStrong

    Composite Decking

    I've tried to transition over from wood to composite in most upgrades. Mostly hardiplank or similar concrete composition. The stuff lasts. The problem is the price and if you're experienced enough to diy the hardi is much different to work with. Need different blades and there's alot of dust...
  20. EpiStrong

    Living on GH

    Have you tried to drop the iu and then titrate up over a few weeks?