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  1. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    W1d2 WU: Bird dog: x5x2 w/ 10ct Plank: x2 for some time Side plank: x20-30s x2 1. Comp squat 45/95/135/185/225/275x5 315x3 350x2x2 (misload) 340x2x2 340x4 @ note I was stubborn and worked through some “discomfort” in my left L5-S1 area today. It definitely had my L glute inhibited some. I...
  2. jswain34

    The vaccine thread (WITH FEEDBACK)

    You wrote (or quoted an article) that the incidence of CVT after pfizer & moderna is 4/1M & the incidence after AZ is 5/1M. Both are consistent with the background incidence in the general population.
  3. jswain34

    The vaccine thread (WITH FEEDBACK)

    According to the American Heart Association, the inidence of CVT in the “normal” population varies between studies but is 2-5 in 1 million soooooo....thats funny that you think you just made some breathtaking discovery lol. The study you posted finds that its essentially the same is in even an...
  4. jswain34

    Anyone worried if Corona virus keeps spreading the gyms will shut down?

    Baby’s asleep. Just finished my workout. Great answer.
  5. jswain34

    Anyone worried if Corona virus keeps spreading the gyms will shut down?

    What does the flu vaccine have anything to do with the covid vaccine? Lol. Your logical gymnastics never cease to amaze me. Does that mean that the pneumoccocal vaccine, tetanus vaccine, diptheria vaccine, pertussis vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, haemophilus influenza...
  6. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

  7. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    M1w1d1 WU: Band Fly: choked mini x20x2 Band RD X fly: minix20x3 Ohd tri: looped mini x15x2 1. Comp bp (x1@8, 75%x5x3) (pink on ring) 45//95/135/185/225x5 255x3 285x1@6? 305x1@7-8 (kept it conservative first week back) 245x5x3@6/8/7 2. WG bp (50%x8-10x3) (pointer on ring) 170x10x3@6/9/7.5 Ss/...
  8. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    Dead deload WU: 15m with the fam Band stomp: heavy x20x2 1. RDL 45/95/135/185/225x10 w/ reverse looped minis 225x10 way too much band assist w/ reverse choked minis on xbar pin 225x10 better 275x10x3 2. Spud hamstringer leg extension Looped micro x20x2 3. Spud cable 45 deg pulldown 115x15x4...
  9. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    10 min timer each of the first 2 supersets - max work in allotted time. Last superset I just did 3 sets. 1a. Band stomp: Heavy x30x2 Ss/ 1b. Gnarly Handle LM press 90x10x2 2a. 45 deg spud cable row 110x15x4 Ss/ 2b. Ohd tri ext Looped micro x20 Looped mini x20x2 3a. Rear delt fly 25lb...
  10. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    Thats debatable haha but I appreciate you stopping in! Good to have you back man.
  11. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    Been doing that far more than necessary over the last year or two. Including this past week. Havent done any strength training since i failed out of bench last week. Today I did 1. 16” Box Squat 185 vs doubled minis x3x10 w/ 60s rest 2. Hamstringer seated leg ext: Mini x20x2 3...
  12. jswain34

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    Im not trying to be argumentative here. Im just simply saying that the data isnt undeniable in either direction. Is it better if I state that this is my opinion? You have no fuggin need to apologize to me lol. By no means was I ever saying i had any problem whatsoever with you taking...
  13. jswain34

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    I guess my contention was with when you said “undeniable statistical improvement in mild to moderate covid-19” in post #3396. Has there been some stuff showing improvement when initiated early, yes. Has there been some stuff showing some improvement when people require hospitalization, maybe...
  14. jswain34

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    The evidence for ivermectin is nowhere near as overwhelming as you guys are making it seem. Some retrospective observational stuff has pointed towards a benefit but at least one recent (within the last month) rct and another one in Jan showed no statistical benefit. These were both small trials...
  15. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    M4w5d1 WU: W1. Spud cable row: 110x15x2 W2. Tri ext: looped micro x30x2 W3. SA band fly: choked mini x20x2 1. Comp bp 45/95/135/185/225/255x5 280x2 305x2x4 305x3@10 F4 -> fail out...conveniently, it’s time for a deload anyway. Will lower my e1rm whether i stick to 5th set or not after this...
  16. jswain34

    Jswain's training log for powerlifting

    M4w4d4 WU: Kabuki wall glute activation Stomp: H x20 Band GHR: avg x15 Band crunch: quad Mon Mini x20 Conv 330x1x15 goal 60s rest - got fasting bloodwork done today and even though i tried really hydrating before this i still felt like i was close to blacking out at the top of pretty much...
  17. jswain34

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    On the bright side, at least this happened before you got deep into meet prep. Hoping for a zippy recovery for you and the fam, man.
  18. jswain34

    Vaccine, anyone?

    Have a 6 month old, a full time job, a fiancé id like to spend time with outside of when we’re both playing with our son, and still trying to workout consistently. So, no, not really. I most definitely dont get on here with the intent of keeping my writing to an academic level all of the time.
  19. jswain34

    Vaccine, anyone?

    As i acknowledged, “i see how you could’ve got that if you had no baseline knowledge”. Must you continue to carry on over this? Perhaps i should just no longer reply to you if you’ll just nit pick every little thing even though we both know you get what im talking about. Its really a waste of...