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  1. New Version of Assassin

    Has anyone tried the new version of assassin (V6 ?) ? What was your experience ?
  2. Unanswered Dark Energy Pre

    has anyone tried magnitude life sciences dark energy ? from all the reviews I'd seen I thought it was gonna be amazing but I have taken it twice now and barely felt anything
  3. Unanswered Anyone tried BZRK or Bring the Chaos

    Read a couple of posts on here from people who have used BZRK saying it was good but I am really interested in hearing more about the overall experience so for those who have used it please let me have your thoughts both good and bad. Not sure anyone will have used Bring the Chaos by Chaos Crew...
  4. Unanswered Super Human vs MVPre 2.0

    Anyone tried both ? Looking for something to give focus without the cracked out feeling and pumps would be nice too. Pre's I have in rotation at the moment Excelsior Hydrazine The Anomaly Hypermax
  5. 7-OXO for T3 PCT

    I have 3 weeks before I go to NYC, initially I was going to stay on T3 (50mg a day) until after I came back but I am not comfortable bringing T3 into the states so have decided to come off. I have Now Foods Thyroid Energy and sea kelp already but I have been looking at 7-oxo from Hydrapharm...
  6. Looking for Stack to Help Prevent Holiday Fat Gain

    Hi, Looking for some advice on a stack to help prevent too much fat gain while on holiday. I have been dieting quite hard for about 16 weeks, I'm very happy with the results, I am leaner than I've ever been but it was a big struggle to get here so I really wanna stay lean from here on out ...