Recent content by wasme

  1. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    3rd one is about a year away i think?
  2. wasme

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    Is Androhard similar to what Sustain Alpha was or Dermatr3st, as a test base? I hear ya.
  3. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Active rest today... lunch 4k walk after work 30 min on bike
  4. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Week 4 Day 4 - Arms (Thursday) Lunch: 4 km walk Post Workout Cardio: Bike 30 VBar Pushdowns 70x10 90x10 100x10 100x10 100x10 100x10 Bench Dips 10 10 10 10 Bent Over Head Extension 90x10 90x10 90x10 90x10 Seated Alternating DB Curls 20x10 25x10 30x10 35x10 35x10 35x10 DB Preacher Hammer...
  5. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Shoot me an email, Ill send you the program. Ya, it did get better. Reminded me of something along the lines of Stand By Me meets Goosebumps/Creepshow Onto John Wick 2... good high energy rides!
  6. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Day 3 - Legs Lunch: 3km walk on tap... gorgeous day out.. Post workout: 30 min on bike... Lying Leg Curl 45x10 70x10 95x10 95x10 95x10 95x10 drop 70x10 drop 45x10 + 10 partials Safety Bar Squats Bar x10 145x10 195x10 215x10 235x8 245x6 Split Squats (DB) 20x10 30x10 40x10 40x10 drop...
  7. wasme


    Likely fear! lol
  8. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Week 4...Day 2 - Chest and Shoulders Lunch: 3km walk Postworkout: 30 min on bike Swiss Bar Bench (Banded) 145x8 165x8 185x8 205x8 215x6 Incline Barbell Press 135x8 155x8 185x8 205x8 215x9 225x5 DB Hammer Bench 70x8 80x8 80x8 80x8 drop 50x7 StretchPushups 15 15 15 13 Barbell Over...
  9. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    So far I am an hour in (30 minute increments on bike)... agreeing with Thomas. The clown is dorky. Maybe it will get better.
  10. wasme

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    Just downloaded and read through this one... sounds doable unlike most!
  11. wasme

    TGR's Modified PowerBuilding v2.0

    I have been really watching my carb intake the last 3 weeks.. and have noticed that breads make me feel like crap as well. Way to kill it!
  12. wasme


    Just catching up here Chris. Congrats to Trinity, that is awesome! Update pics are looking great... and ya spinny rides can go f*ck themselves.. coasters only for this guy.
  13. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Week 4 Back Lunch time: 4km Walk. One Arm Pulldowns 70x10 90x10 110x10 110x10 110x10 110x10 Dead Lifts with Trap Bar 155x6 245x6 295x6 295x6 295x6 295x6 Chin Up Death 2 x 10 Mid Grip 2 x 10 Wide Grip 2 x 10 Narrow/Neutral grip DB Pullovers 50x10 50x10 50x10 50x10 Hanging Back Stretch...
  14. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Sunday Rest + 6km walk
  15. wasme

    Wasme's recomp journey....

    Course went well, passed the exam so all good there! But made for a busy few days. Friday was a rest day, but with a walk and ride. ---------------- Saturday (upper pump) Chest Tri Set Swiss Bar Press / Dips / Cable Crossover 145x8 / 10 / 35x10 165x8 / 10 / 45x10 165x8 / 10 / 45x10...